
can I trust a colleague who exaggerates?

Work ethics: Should I call my colleague's bluff?

Man peering / peeking / spying through a gap in frosted glass

Everybody wants to be liked and this is her way of getting that friendship and respect from her colleagues. You should never challenge or confront her; you don't want to embarrass her. It is important to raise her self-esteem. Then the stories will gradually stop. Her colleagues must tell her how they value her as a colleague and as a friend.

I would talk to her, one-to-one, and find out what support she needs. Does she understand her job? Does she have any difficulties at work? Developing trust between colleagues is the same as developing trust between friends. It takes time.

Insecurities raise their heads in many ways and trust is a very difficult thing to put a scale on. What are you worried about? She is only trying to impress and entertain. Go with it and have a laugh.

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