

The brain… it makes you think. Doesn't it?
Are we governed by unconscious processes? Neuroscience believes so – but isn't the human condition more complicated than that? Two experts offer different views

Does this 3lb of tissue govern our actions without our even knowing? 



2012年4月29日 星期日
【明報】自製lunch box﹕
a.小米蔬果沙律生菜包 蔬果新鮮,堅果香脆,小米增加口感和飽肚感,幾種健康新鮮食材加起來,便是美味一餐。
材料: 有機小米……1杯 水……1/2杯 西芹……1條 番茄……1個 黃椒……1/4個 堅果……少許 新鮮香草……適量 果醋……2至3湯匙 橄欖油……2湯匙 鹽、胡椒……適量
步驟: 1. 小米洗淨,加水用電飯煲煮熟,或隔水蒸20分鐘,熄火焗10分鐘,搗散放涼。
2. 蔬菜切粒,加入小米中,拌入調味料,最後撒上堅果。 3. 食用時以生菜包裹一兩湯匙小米沙律吃。
b.牛油果醬及番茄沙沙配餅乾 牛油果醬 牛油果醬製法簡單,加點洋葱加點胡椒和香草,用來塗餅乾或麵包,一樣美味! 材料: 牛油果……1個 洋葱……1/4個 檸檬汁……少許 芫荽或任何喜愛的新鮮香草……適量 鹽、胡椒……適量 步驟: 1. 牛油果切半去核,用叉把肉壓爛,洋葱切粒,芫荽切碎 2. 加入檸檬汁、鹽、胡椒拌勻 番茄沙沙 番茄沙沙帶有番茄的清香和洋葱的辛辣,加上檸檬汁和香草,滋味醒神。野餐時,醬料用玻璃瓶或食物盒分開盛載,即塗即食。 材料﹕ 番茄……2個 洋葱……1/4個 檸檬汁……少許 青辣椒……半隻 蒜……1瓣 芫荽或任何喜愛的新鮮香草……適量 橄欖油……1茶匙 鹽、胡椒粉……適量 步驟: 1. 番茄、洋葱切粒;青辣椒、蒜、芫荽切碎 2. 所有材料和調味料拌勻
c. 三文魚芝士小卷 每一口包含多種滋味,製法簡單方便,食材也不用特別烹調,三文魚蛋白質豐富,含奧米加3,全麥麵包含纖維和礦物質,營養豐富。 材料: 全麥麵包……5片 意大利生菜……1棵 煙三文魚……5片 青瓜……1條 忌廉芝士……半盒 蜂蜜芥末醬……2湯匙 黑胡椒粉……少許 步驟: 1. 全麥麵包塗上忌廉芝士 2. 於麵包中央先後加入生菜片、煙三文魚、青瓜條、忌廉芝士(切條)及蜂蜜芥末醬,加黑胡椒粉調味 3. 把麵包捲起,切成三小份



Is famous lake disappearing?
The barren earth and dead trees reveal the blight of the Salton Sea, the largest lake in California, where water conservation efforts are attempting to restore the once natural playground and tourist site. The evaporating Salton Sea is the flashpoint for the latest dispute in California's water wars, testing an uneasy alliance that has sought to wean the Golden State from overreliance on Colorado River water.
In this Dec. 27, 2010 photo, the barren earth and dead trees reveal the blight of the Salton Sea, where water conservation efforts are attempting to restore the once natural playground and tourist site. The evaporating Salton Sea is the flashpoint for the latest dispute in California's water wars, testing an uneasy alliance that has sought to wean the Golden State from overreliance on Colorado River water.



Forecasters warn more twisters possible after homes and businesses are wrecked and thousands left without power

Storms tear through parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa, causing widespread damage

A day after tornadoes and strong storms walloped the Midwest, killing at least five people in Oklahoma and causing massive damage throughout the region, forecasters warn that more severe weather is on the way.

On the ground with Reuters photographer and storm chaser Gene Blevins, as he documents a spate of tornadoes that tore through parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.