

Did humans descend from JELLYFISH?
Scientists believe comb jellies could an early ancestor
Researchers have created the first full genome sequence of a comb jelly
They wanted to fill in gaps currently missing in the genome data
However, the sequence highlighted similarities with all animal species
And even suggested that the comb jelly could have kicked off evolution 13 December 2013
While studying the genome sequence of a comb jelly, pictured, researchers from Miami and Maryland discovered similarities between the gelatinous sea creature and all other animal groups. It even suggested the comb jelly may be original species from which all others evolved    
More than half a billion years ago a single line of species separated from all other animals and scientists traditionally believed this originated with sea sponges, pictured. This new genome sequencing suggests that it was instead the comb jelly, that is found in the Atlantic Ocean  

根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,美國邁阿密大學和國家人類基因體研究所共同團隊分析了俗稱「海胡桃」的淡海櫛水母,竟意外發現櫛水母的DNA與地球上許多物種的基因有不少共同點,當然包括人類。

digital generation

Saudi digital generation takes on Twitter, YouTube … and authorities Conservative country boasts world's highest use of sites per capita, but criticising Islam remains a clear red line
Tuesday 17 December 2013

A Saudi woman films an Islamic ceremony on her phone.



2013年12月15日 星期日 歷黑色720秒 嫦娥登月成功 無地面控制自行降落 「玉兔」今出巡 【明報】中國月球探測器「嫦娥三號」經過近13天的長途跋涉,昨晚9時11分帶「玉兔號」月球車在月球虹灣區成功陸。歷時720秒的陸過程無法由地面控制,全部由嫦娥三號自動完成,被探測器系統副總指揮譚梅稱為「黑色720秒」,幸有驚無險。這是繼37年前蘇聯「月球24號」探測器登月後,人類探測器首次成功落月,也讓中國躋身美國和蘇聯之後世界上第三個實現地外天體軟陸的國家。
距月4米 速度減零落地 經過減速及調整,嫦娥三號在距離月面100米處開啟反推力發動機懸停空中,利用敏感器對陸區進行觀測,以避開障礙物、選擇陸點;9時11分,其相對速度逐漸減為零,以自由落體方式從4米高「撻」落月球。嫦娥三號是中國第一個有「腳」的航天器,隨它的4只「腳」平穩踩在月面,通訊信號正常,陸過程完美完成。
 理大教授:非常緊張 陸歷時約12分鐘,因38萬公里地月距離無法讓信息傳回地面處理,故此過程全由嫦娥三號自主完成。這令各界倍感緊張,連參與此次設備研發製造的香港理工大學教授容亮在陸前也對本報表示「非常緊張」,因這是中國首次陸月球,此前美蘇陸曾幾次失敗。而虹灣情未明、發推力發動機無備份等原因,探測器系統副總指揮譚梅曾將這段時間稱為「黑色12分鐘」。辛苦10年終於成功,北京飛控中心研究人員興奮至極,相擁慶祝。 
分離後陸器留原地探測 嫦娥三號任務是中國探月工程「繞、落、回」三步走中「落」的關鍵一步,按計劃,今與「玉兔號」月球車分離後,陸器將在原地探測,開展一系列實驗,包括以月基光學望遠鏡進行天文觀測、以極紫外相機觀測地球等離子體層、以測月雷達對巡視路線上月殼淺層結構厚度等作剖面式觀測等。





Why it's time for brain science to ditch the 'Venus and Mars' cliche
Reports trumpeting basic differences between male and female brains are biological determinism at its most trivial
Saturday 7 December 2013
There is little evidence to suggest differences between male and female brains are caused by anything other than cultural factors.
A photo issued by University of Pennsylvania researchers showing intra-hemispheric connections (blue) and inter- hemispheric connections (orange) in men's and women's brains. Male top row, female bottom row. 


oldest public toilet

The oldest public toilet ever revealed as thousands of fossilised dinosaur poos are discovered
The 240-million-year-old 'communal latrine' was discovered in Argentina
Large piles of faeces warned predators a big herd was nearby
The stools contain fascinating insights into extinct plant life
1 December 2013


how humans evolve

'Humans evolved after a female chimpanzee mated with a pig': Extraordinary claim made by American geneticist
Dr Eugene McCarthy points to features that distinguish us from primates
He says that the only animals which also have these features are pigs
Controversial hypothesis has been met by significant opposition
30 November 2013
根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,美國喬治亞大學的遺傳學家麥卡錫(Eugene McCarthy)一直是研究動物雜交方面的專家,近日他發表一項主張,震驚生物學界。


Devon knows what it is: UFO mystery as bizarre flying saucer shape is captured in the sky above West Country wind farm
Mysterious object captured hovering above Fullabrook wind farm in Devon
It was caught on camera by a professional photographer last Saturday
Grey-coloured shape can be seen floating above turbines in broad daylight
1 December 2013