


【明報專訊】古今中外,彗星的壯麗外表每每使人覑迷。中國人保留了超過2000年的彗星觀測紀錄,當中資料 堪稱鉅細靡遺。有別於日、月、行星和恆星的有規律運動,彗星行蹤飄忽,故常被視為幸運或災難來臨的預兆。除了經常在占星學上作為預測未來的徵兆外,彗星亦 曾被誤以為是地球大氣內的現象,連希臘哲學家亞里士多德(Aristotle)也認同這種說法。直到17世紀,通過改進了的彗星軌舻計算方法,人們才發現 彗星原來是像行星般環繞太陽公轉的天體。英國天文學家哈雷(Edmund Halley)通過計算,成功預測到1758年回歸的彗星,那顆彗星也因而以哈雷命名。這次觀測和計算相♣合的空前勝利,顯示至少一些彗星是以長橢圓軌道 環繞太陽公轉。哈雷的預測是基於他發現在1531、1607和1682年所觀察到的3顆彗星,都有覑相似的軌道,推斷這3次所看到的其實是同一顆彗星,每 隔75至76年便回歸內太陽系。其他非周期性的彗星亦陸續被發現,它們擁有拋物線或雙曲線的軌道,而軌道的形狀則取決於太陽的萬有引力。

彗 星從哪裏來?到底它們是被太陽俘虜的星際物質,還是我們早期太陽系的一分子?前一理論的支持者認為,既然彗星的軌道非常橢圓,有別於行星的近圓形軌道,與 行星軌道平面(黃道帶)的夾角又不規則,因此相信彗星並非太陽系成員。直至20世紀中葉,荷蘭天文學家奧爾特(Jan Hendrik Oort)提出有一個大型球狀雲團的彗星庫,分佈於離太陽約3000至10萬個天文單位(AU,日地平均距離)的空間,現稱為奧爾特雲(Oort Cloud)。奧爾特雲的外圍到達最接近我們的半人馬座比鄰星(Proxima Centauri)的三分之一距離。這個彗星庫蘊藏大量彗星,附近恆星的移動可能對當中一些彗星的軌道造成干擾,使這些彗星冒險進入內太陽系。當彗星漸漸 接近太陽,表面的冰便會開始蒸發,形成一條壯觀而美麗的尾巴。

更詳細地研究彗星的軌道使我們發現,奧爾特雲並非唯一的彗星發源地。荷蘭裔美 籍天文學家柯伊伯(Gerard Peter Kuiper)和愛爾蘭天文學家艾吉沃斯(Kenneth Essex Edgeworth)預測在球狀奧爾特雲內圍還有一片扁平的碟形雲,直徑達50個天文單位,現稱為柯伊伯帶(Kuiper Belt)。柯伊伯帶可能是太陽系形成時的剩餘物質,其中太陽系內圍的物質凝聚成行星,而成千上萬的細小冰體則無依地留在外圍。

首顆柯伊伯 帶天體(Kuiper Belt Object, KBO)於1992年被發現。夏威夷大學的大衛朱維特(David Jewitt)和研究生珍陸(Jane Luu)利用設於毛納基山的2.2米口徑望遠鏡,觀測到「1992 QB1」— 一個平淡的名稱,它被發現與冥王星相類似。更多KBO陸續被發現,並清楚顯示冥王星其實是屬於這種新一類的太陽系天體,導致冥王星的行星地位最終被推翻。 這就是大規模發現KBO的開始,迄今已發現超過1000顆。現在我們估計在柯伊伯帶中,有超過10萬顆KBO的直徑超過100公里。太陽系的成員其實比 20年前所知多得多。



earth images

A satellite eye on the Earth

Hurricanes, dust storms and volcanic eruptions all look serene when seen from above. Images courtesy of Nasa's earth observatory and the European Space Agency

Phytoplankton bloom in the Barents Sea, Norway, August 12 2008. Phytoplankton are tiny plant-like organisms that are the foundation of the ocean food web. Like plants, they contain chlorophyll that they use to harvest sunlight for photosynthesis. In northern waters, these organisms are starved for sunlight much of the year, but during the summer months, they explode in colourful blooms such as this one

Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, August 8: Dormant for 200 years this small volcano in the Pacific erupted without warning on August 7. The volcano’s plume is seen here as a brown streak in the cloud. No one was hurt, but two biologists were evacuated and the ash forced Alaska Airlines to cancel 44 flights

Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands: This image of Kasatochi island was taken on September 23 2003. Until the eruption this month, vegetation (red in this image) covered the 300m (1,000ft) high slopes. Heavy surf is visible as a white fringe around the island

Dust storm over the Persian Gulf, August 14 2008. Skies appear clear over Iraq, but a discernible plume of dust blows southeast, over the Persian Gulf, to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The dust mixes with clouds east of Qatar. The dust may have come from Iraq’s Tigris and Euphrates floodplain the previous day

Bushfires in Arnhem Land, Australia, August 17 2008. Abundant rainfall during the wet season in northern Australia waters the tropical savannas, where grasses can grow as high as three meters. During the dry season (southern hemisphere’s winter) these grasses fuel enormous bushfires, triggered by lightning and people. Places where the satellite’s sensor detected fire are marked in red

Beijing, August 19 2008. Haze mixed with clouds appears to the south of Beijing, and stretches over parts of Bo Hai and the Yellow Sea. Skies over Beijing, however, appear relatively clear

Tropical storm Fay, USA, August 20 2008: Although the storm didn’t reach hurricane strength, 75cm (2.5ft) of rain fell along parts of Florida’s coast. Here the eye of the storm hovers near the east coast of Florida while clouds from the storm stretch hundreds of kilometres east over the Atlantic, and north over Georgia and South Carolina

Tropical storm Fay, August 25: After six days zig-zagging across Florida and dumping heavy rain the flooding left behind by tropical storm Fay was captured by Nasa’s Terra satellite. In the top image the flooded St John’s river can be seen snaking through the landscape. In the lower image, taken in July, the river is too small to be seen. Clouds dot the sky in both images

Well-head flare in Libya, August 20 2008 Besides the smoke, few other features stand out in this arid landscape. Natural gas often surfaces with crude oil in drilling operations. A traditional method for disposing of the natural gas is to burn it, especially when the infrastructure does not exist to store the gas for later use, or pump it underground

Hurricane Gustav, August 26 2008: Churning over the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, Gustav formed very quickly on August 25. Within 24 hours the storm went from tropical depression to a strong Category 1 hurricane with sustained winds of 150km per hour (92mph)




【明報專訊】北京奧運開幕禮上,參賽隊伍浩浩蕩蕩地踏進鳥巢,205個國家和地區, 205種榮耀。當中第120隊——你可能一晃眼就錯過了——只有3名運動員,在其他隊伍的磅礡氣勢中顯得尤其伶仃。他們戰戰兢兢地為祖國踏出奧運的第一 步,但也可能是最後一步。我們談全球氣候變化,總像在說一則遙遠的寓言、一個關於未來的傳說,他們倒沒有這個奢侈。因為他們的國度正在消失當中,肇因正是 全球氣候變化。

平坦小國 海拔2米


這 個是平坦小島,平均海拔還不到2米。可以想像,身高2.29米的姚明只要昂首挺立,便可以從島國的一端,一眼望穿到另一端盡處。但詭異的全球氣候變化提升 水位,10年間令圖瓦盧的平地買少見少,直接影響國民生計。圖瓦盧被迫趁2000年的網絡潮,把她的「.tv」對外出租換來3000萬美元,維持國家經 濟。



水位上升 被迫移民

圖 瓦盧總理阿比賽·葉雷米亞去年以「對我們人權的威脅」為題,譜下氣候變化下圖國的怨曲﹕「我們必須謹慎地使用環礁之下小量的淡水。我們小心翼翼地挖掘小 坑,直至地下淡水層,以便種植塊根農作物pulaka,並且保存每一滴落下的雨水。可悲的是,我們的環境不斷地變化。老人們注意到這些變化,海灘消失了, 小島被畄走,珊瑚礁開始死亡,農作物漸漸死於鹽水侵蝕。最近,政府間氣候變化專門委員會的報告確認了所有這些觀察結果,並預測,情會愈發嚴重。隨覑海洋 氣溫升高,愈來愈多的珊瑚將要死亡。海平面將上升,暴風雨將會更加肆虐。圖瓦盧面臨一個非常不確定的未來。」

氣溫高2℃,閣下 大不了調低空調自個兒涼快涼快;然而,全球氣溫提高2℃,便足以叫圖瓦盧從地圖上消失。2001年,該國大聲疾呼「國將亡矣」,促請鄰國收容受氣候影響下 的「環境難民」。現時,圖國至少有600名居民不能再在自己的祖國維持生計而被迫移民他國。即使有人收容,也未必是圖國臣民的意願。圖國是一個擁有獨特語 言和文化的國家,重新安置將破壞民族和文化的根本結構,把這個國家連根拔起。總理阿比賽說﹕「這是最後的選擇——一個我們不願面對的選擇。」


盯 覑電視的奧運消息,我特意留心女子100米跑的阿塞娜特·馬諾阿(Asenate Manoa)、男子100米跑的奧基拉尼·蒂尼勞(Okilai Tinilau),還有舉重選手厄撒烏(Logona Esau)。我覺得他們很了不起——一個小小的國度,竟然有3名運動員晉身奧運盛會,代表一個國之將亡的國度的最後榮耀。





can butterflies bounce back from the wet summer?

On the trail of one of Britain's rarest butterflies
The poor summer has been the worst in 45 years for butterflies. Can they recover, asks Stephen Moss?

The Adonis blue butterfly.


coastal erosion

Beauty spots to be devoured by sea
National Trust warns of losing battle to save much-loved coastal landmarks from rising sea levels and erosion

Farne Islands, Northumberland.

Some of Britain's most famous coastal landmarks will be radically changed or even lost because it is no longer possible to hold back rising seas and coastal erosion, ...

The UK coastal hotspots at risk from climate change
From St Michael's Mount to the Farne islands, coastal erosion, sea level rise and increased storminess is set to have a major impact on some of our most beloved holiday hotspots, according to new research by the National Trust. Here are the top 10 ...




很少到日本購物,因為自己偏愛大自然景觀,不是到鄉村找家農莊住住,就是到偏遠郊區行行山,購物頂多發生於上機前到flea market逛逛的一個晴天中午。與友人同行,總不能要人陪行山看農田,不如大家就取個中位線,來這小鎮購物之餘,又可親親田園摘草莓。

如果要我形容這個小鎮,我會說它是一個交通方便而又氣氛休閒的郊外旅遊入門地,它的性格角色有點兒分裂,你大可在佐野Premium Outlets買個飽,買到累了又可逃出商場隨意找家拉麵店嚐麵,麵嚐完更可出走士多啤梨園摘個夠才回去再購物。

從新宿站南口坐長途巴士到佐野只需1,300日元,花個半小時的車程便可到達位於佐野Premium Outlets旁的巴士站。因為跟御殿場那個都出於同一集團,無論所網羅品牌、建築風格、顧客服務等,兩邊廂都十分相近。雖各店都是賣自己的季尾貨,但價 錢的確相宜,尤其是原價較昂貴的Beams,實在值得慢慢細逛。

就在商場外頭的大街上,可看見一家名為「利休」的拉麵店,我不能說它是佐野市內最美味的麵店,但它的水準實屬高質。先說佐野市其實是一個拉麵小鎮,由於盛 產用以製作拉麵的小麥粉,以及水質一流,拉麵店應運而生,小小的鎮上竟容納了多達210多家麵店,全都自製麵條自創風格,我嚐過多家麵店,麵質極其烟韌富 彈性、就連湯底也令人回味,怪不得日本人來佐野一定要嚐個拉麵才走。

至於採士多啤梨,也就是佐野市的著名觀光活動。大大小小的草莓農場集居此處,在Premium Outlets不遠處的Agri Town,切實地是佐野的農業城──不僅培植花卉、牛奶加工,這裡還有一個大場館負責售賣附近農民的新鮮農產品,還有給遊人任採任吃的溫室「佐野觀光農 園」,通常由12月至翌年5月都是採摘士多啤梨的季節,過後的7月至8月便有成熟的藍莓,而11月前則是日本梨的採摘時期。

佐野Premium Outlets


Agri Town


cloned animal

If this meat was from a cloned animal, would you eat it?


Climate change: How quest for zero waste community means sorting the rubbish 34 ways
Japanese village's strict recycling regime looks to a future free of incinerators and landfill

people who can "hear" what they see

US scientists have discovered people who can "hear" what they see.



Giant panda sex secrets revealed

The giant panda's courtship and mating sequence - from boisterous beginning to noisy ending - has been filmed in the wild for what may be a TV first.

A BBC Natural History team recorded the magic moments deep in the bamboo forest that lines China's Qinling mountains.

The pictures show a male panda having to fight off the competition as he tries to woo and finally win a female.

The sequence, shot for BBC Two's Wild China series, illustrates behaviour that is rarely displayed in zoos.

man's ancestor

Leg bone yields DNA secrets of man's Neanderthal 'Eve'
· Study shows division of species 600,000 years ago
· Project to read genetic code of man's ancestor

Neanderthals never, or rarely, interbred with early humans.



NASA Brings Total Eclipse of the Sun to the Masses

On August 1, a total solar eclipse was visible in parts of Canada, northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia and China. The eclipse swept across Earth in a narrow path that began in Canada’s northern territory of Nunavut and ended in northern China’s Silk Road region.

Though the eclipse was not visible in most of North America, NASA TV and the Exploratorium made streaming video of the event available online. The following images are taken from that video, shot from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China near the Mongolian border. The sun appears differently in some of the images because of the different filters used to capture the event. Times listed are ET and approximate.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:15 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:27 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:33 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:35 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:47 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
6:54 a.m. -- Clouds begin to pass overhead.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:06 a.m. -- Clouds begin to clear minutes before totality.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:07 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:08 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:09 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:10 a.m. -- Totality.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:11 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:12 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:14 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:17 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:22 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:30 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:36 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:39 a.m.

Image of Aug 1 2008 solar eclipse
7:46 a.m.

climate change

The final countdown

Time is fast running out to stop irreversible climate change, a group of global warming experts warns today. We have only 100 months to avoid disaster. Andrew Simms explains why we must act now - and where to begin

Planet earth viewed from space.



Total eclipse of the sun

Where the sun don't shine

Interactive: the solar eclipse explained
How today's eclipse will look from Britain and other countries in its path

nasa confirms it, there's ice on Mars

Nasa's message from Mars: There's water here. I've tasted it

Nasa image showing the full circle panoramic view from the Mars Phoenix lander.

Nasa scientists last night confirmed that there is water on Mars. The space agency's Phoenix lander has identified ice in a soil sample analysed by its on-board laboratory.

Previous orbiting missions had beamed data such as the view of the planet's surface, above. Others indicated there was ice on the red planet - but Phoenix's discovery is the first direct evidence. "I can now say I'm the first mission to Mars to touch and then taste the water," came the message from Phoenix's Twitter feed yesterday.

Nasa has extended the mission until September 30, adding five weeks to the scheduled 90 days of operations on the surface.

"Phoenix is healthy and the projections for solar power look good, so we want to take full advantage of having this resource in one of the most interesting locations on Mars," said Michael Meyer, chief scientist for the Mars exploration programme at Nasa HQ in Washington...