
gulf oil spill_3

New oil spill total is bad news for BP, wildlife

Brown pelicans are seen in Drakes Bay near National Guard operations to block passes in a effort to protect the areas from oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Friday, June 11, 2010, near Venice, La.



Large blue butterfly moves to Cotswolds
Assisted by climate change, the ecologists who saved the butterfly from extinction are reintroducing it to its former haunts

Strange, weird and extreme' lifecycle ... the large blue butterfly.

It is the butterfly that was brought back from the dead and one of the most successful examples of insect conservation in the world. Now, assisted by climate change, the large blue butterfly is to be moved northwards in a bid to double its UK population. The ecologists responsible for reviving the large blue will next month release hundreds of caterpillars at two secret locations in the Cotswolds in an attempt to reintroduce them to the region for the first time in more than half a century...



2010年6月25日 星期五



光線空中水滴兩次反射 產雙彩虹






gulf oil spill_2

BP accused of killing endangered sea turtles in cleanup operation
Environmentalists press Obama administration to put a halt to BP's 'burn fields' to dispose of oil from the Gulf spill (Friday 25 June 2010)

BP oil spill

BP oil spill: the growing onslaught of public anger

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill has unleashed a rising tide of public fury at the energy giant

BP oil spill: Clean-up efforts along the Gulf coast (20 pictures)
24 June 2010: Locals and fishermen join official clean-up operations as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill continues to affect wildlife, fishing and tourism along the Gulf coast

Marsh grasses covered in oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill are seen in Bay Jimmy

Oil clouds the surface of Barataria Bay near Port Sulpher, Louisiana

A shrimp lies dead after becoming stuck in a pool of oil in Bay Jimmy

US Fish & Wildlife Service information board at their temporary headquarters at Dennis Pass in the Mississippi delta near Venice, Louisiana

Plaquemines Parish coastal zone management director P.J. Hahn catches an oiled sandwich tern. Biologists with the US Fish and Wildlife Service are using locals to help them find birds oiled by the BP oil spill

An oil-stained sandwich tern

Workers try to catch a brown pelican covered in oil in Rock Canal near Venice, Louisiana

In this satellite image, oil spreading north-east from the leaking Deepwater Horizon well is seen from Nasa's Terra satellite. The oil appears as a maze of silvery-grey ribbons in the Gulf of Mexico. Click here for more satellite images of the spill

Gulf oil spill flow increases after accident forces BP to remove cap
'Top hat' damaged by robot vehicle shortly after US interior secretary had praised device

An adult American white pelican is rinsed by volunteers.

BP refits Gulf of Mexico oil cap as Barack Obama's rating drops
Barack Obama administration appeals court ruling blocking six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling in the US

A black skimmer bird is seen foraging for fish next to a protective oil boom in Louisiana a few months after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Oil spills: Legacy of the Torrey Canyon
Britain's worst-ever oil spill in 1967 was handled disastrously, is still killing wildlife today – and contains many lessons for those dealing with the Deepwater Horizon tragedy

A dead bird in Torrey Canyon quarry on Guernsey, which is still full of oil from the 1967 spill.

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill day by day

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil a day have been gushing into the seas of the Gulf of Mexico and drifting towards the US coast threatening wildlife and livelihoods dependent on tourism and fishing

BP's 'top kill' mission halts the oil gush – but is it stable?

Experts warn that leak is far from being permanently fixed as weather service predicts unusually strong hurricane season

View from the open rear of a cargo plane looking down on ships gathered round the Discover Enterprise rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Satellite Eye on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Scientists and disaster responders in the Gulf are combining photo-like satellite images and aircraft and shipboard observations with weather and ocean current models to predict the spread of oil. Photo-like satellite images are not a perfect tool for detecting oil on the surface of water. Outside of the sunglint area, the oil may be imperceptible against the dark background of the water

Louisiana coast protects itself from Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Wildlife, habitats and livelihoods are all under pressure as oil from the Deepwater Horizon rig reaches the Louisiana coast. Mud core samples are being taken by marine biologists, fishermen are re-employed to take oil booms out to sea and conservation groups rush to protect nesting least terns

Oil from the massive spill is seen on the surface of the water on May 5, 2010 in Breton and Chandeleur sounds off the coast of Louisiana. Oil is still leaking out of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead at a estimated rate of 1,000-5,000 barrels a day.

A sea turtle swimming through oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana

Oil moves past an oil rig, top right, in the waters of Chandeleur Sound

Shrimp boats collect oil with booms in the waters of Chandeleur Sound

This image from the US navy shows gathered, concentrated oil, burning during a controlled oil fire in the Gulf of Mexico

Nick Winstead, from Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, marks the nests of least terns on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. The terns are nesting on the beach as an oil spill remains offshore

A least tern sits in its nest on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. The least tern is in its nesting season in one of the largest colonies on the Gulf Coast and is in the path of the oil spill from the BP Deepwater Horizon platform disaster putting the fragile colony in jeopardy. The nest is marked with a red flag by the Mississippi Coast Audubon Sociey to warn people of its location

Deepwater Horizon oil spill threatens Louisiana Gulf coast
Images from Louisiana, where a state of emergency has been declared as oil from leaking wellhead threatens to come ashore

5 May: A picture released by Greenpeace shows oil leaking from the Deepwater Horizon starting to reach the Chandeleur Islands

May 4: Oil blobs and sheen are seen in the waters of Chandeleur Sound

May 4: Crude oil streaks on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, several miles from where the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up and sank off the coast of Louisiana

Bird rescuers Danene Birtell (left) and Heather Nevill hold a brown pelican, found covered in crude oil on Storm Island in the Gulf of Mexico

May 4: A dead shark on a beach in Ship Island, Mississippi. Concern is growing about the impact the oil spill will have on wildlife

May 4: A pelican sits on its nest with protective boom nearby

May 4: Oil retention booms lie near the nests of young brown pelicans on New Harbor Island in the Gulf of Mexico, May 4 2010. A few hours later, commercial fisherman hired by BP repaired the tangled booms

May 4: Birds fly over Breton Island, in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana



Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains
£10m Insect Pollinators Initiative will look at the multiple reasons thought to be behind devastation of bees, moths and hoverflies

A bumble bee prepares to land on a plant.

A honeybee.

'hidden universe'

The hunt for the God particle
In an extract from his new book about the physicists' holy grail, the Higgs boson, the Guardian's science correspondent on whether we might be on the verge of discovering a 'hidden universe'

Can we actually see everything out there?

...Our knowledge of the cosmos tells us that the stuff around us, from plants and people to stars and planets, is made from just a handful of elementary particles. On top of these, there is a small number of forces that make nature run smoothly, doing things like keeping planets in their orbits and ensuring everyday objects don't suddenly collapse into a pile of atoms. But how do we know, asks Wells, that there isn't much more going on than this? Our knowledge of nature and how it works is based on observations. What if we can't see everything? What might we be missing out on? There could be a "hidden world" out there, Wells says, where particles and forces are busily at work, all around us, but beyond the realm of our senses.

The phrase "hidden world" sounds like a science-fiction cliche, but it simply means that there may be more particles and forces at work in the world – and the cosmos at large – than those we see when we look around. They are so aloof, so hidden from our daily experience, that they go completely unnoticed.

"It would be strange if we were so special that we could feel and observe everything that is going on out there," says Wells, who is one of a growing number of physicists working on the hidden worlds idea. "We are lumps of clay swirling on a little blue marble in an overwhelming vastness of universe. We have to envision that there is more going on. There really should be additional particles and forces," he says...



2010年6月21日 星期一



英國錫菲爾大學的天文學家發現,太陽外層日冕環(coronal loop)的起伏頻率,就如結他等弦樂器的弦受撥振動,或空氣在管樂器中間震動一樣。日冕環是太陽電漿在磁場的推送之下,浮出光球表面形成的巨大弧環。

天文學家將日冕環的起伏轉換成聲音信號,調高其頻率,使之成為我們聽得見的「音樂」。負責研究的教授說﹕「這是一種音樂,因為它有和聲。」他指出,研究「太陽音樂」有助我們了解和預測太陽耀斑(solar flare)的形成。太陽耀斑是一種劇烈的太陽活動,能釋放大量輻射,干擾地球的磁場和通訊系統。



Music of the sun recorded by scientists
The sun has been the inspiration for hundreds of songs, but now scientists have discovered that the star at the centre of our solar system produces its own music

Nasa solar flare space storm warning: a British scientist writes
Senior Nasa scientists have warned of the problems that a once-in-a-generation "space storm" could pose to Britain. Here a British space scientist, Dr Chris Davis, explains why this has occurred and what is being done about it.

NASA satellites monitoring solar flares.

Scientists say the flares from the Sun, seen here in a dramatic picture, could hit electronic devices.

Experts say the magnetic power will affect the erth in some description.


hole-punch cloud

Wow! Jets Punch Holes in Clouds and Create Rain

An example of a hole-punch cloud created as a jet airplane or turboprop plane flew through a cloudy layer and caused precipitation to fall out.

Aircraft can accidentally punch holes in clouds, leaving a trail of snow or rain in their wake, a new study finds.

Turboprop and jet aircraft that climb or descend under certain atmospheric conditions can inadvertently trigger what's known as cloud seeding. This technology is usually associated with schemes to control the weather. However, cloud seeding can happen by accident as planes soaring through mid-level clouds leave behind odd-shaped holes or channels in the clouds and cause narrow bands of snow or rain to develop and fall to the ground.

Holes punched in clouds are a phenomenon that has been recognized for many years and seen in photos from around the world. A front-page feature on Yahoo! carried the headline "A Halo over Moscow" after photos emerged of just such a hole in October 2009.

The secret behind these mysterious clouds has now been revealed: Supercooled water droplets that remain liquid even at subfreezing temperatures — below about 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius). When an airplane cuts through clouds containing the supercooled water droplets, air is cooled behind aircraft propellers or over jet wings, and these water droplets freeze and drop toward Earth.



2010年6月15日 星期二
日飛船安全回家 助解太陽系之謎




2010年6月15日 星期二


2010 年6月14日 星期一
權威學者﹕人類智慧有限 宇宙之謎恐無解

【明報專訊】數以千計科學家花幾十年時間,也找不到許多科學難題的答案。英國著名劍橋大學宇宙學教授、皇家學會主席里斯( Lord Rees)接受《星期日泰晤士報》訪問時提了一個大膽可能﹕由於人類的智慧有限,可能永遠無法破解諸如平行宇宙存在與否、大爆炸的成因、人類意識的本質等難題,「可能在離我們不到1毫米處就有另一個宇宙,但我們完全感覺不到它,因為那個宇宙處於四維空間,而我們只能理解三維空間」。他認為這些難題可能超出人類腦袋的理解能力,就好比愛因斯坦的想法會令黑猩猩感到困惑一樣,也像游魚永遠無法理解海洋和水的本質。



2010年6月14日 星期一
蒐集小行星微塵 日飛船回歸地球
【明報專訊】日本太空探測器「隼鳥」號在太空航行7年、經歷50 億公里旅程(相當於太陽到冥王星的距離)後,昨晚返回地球,在澳洲南部沙漠地帶覑陸,是首個在月球以外天體登陸並重返地球的太空船。科學家期望,「隼鳥」號成功從離地球3億公里的小行星「絲川」(25143 Itokawa)採集微塵,有助揭開太陽系形成之謎。



返回艙進入大氣層時,速度將達到每秒12公里,高於穿梭機每秒8公里的速度,被返回艙急劇壓縮的空氣的溫度超過10,000℃,比太陽表面的 5500℃高出接近一倍,返回艙表面溫度亦高達3000℃。返回艙墜落過程中,塑料表面熔化,隔熱罩在離地約10公里的高空脫落,返回艙打開降落傘減速,最後於本港時間昨晚10時降落到南澳伍默拉(Woomera)的沙漠地帶。


航行7年 飛50億公里




澳洲農莊 悠閒避暑

由於Miu經常要探望住在悉尼的親友,她不時會帶兩個兒子到澳洲旅行。今年復活節,她便策劃了一個「三日兩夜農莊生活體驗之旅」,和丈夫及4歲大的小兒子銘銘入住了當地農莊,過幾天悠閒生活。Miu表示,農莊生活(Farm Stay)在澳洲非常受家庭歡迎,有很多不同的選擇,她上次便入住了距離悉尼約1小時20分鐘車程的Mowbray Park Farmstay Holidays。

餵羊騎馬 孩子最愛

來到農莊,重頭戲當然是小朋友喜歡的餵羊、擠牛奶及騎小馬等環節。每天早上9時及下午4時左右,都有專人駕覑農場拖拉車,從小屋載旅客到不同的地點遊玩。Miu說﹕「那兒的人很細心地介紹農場,我們從沒有去過農場,所以感覺很新鮮。初時還以為銘銘的手太細,不夠力擠牛奶,怎料最後他都成功了。兒子喜歡小動物,而餵羊的草是無限量供應,又可以近距離摸牠們,他玩得很開心。至於最興奮的便是騎小馬,因為是他第一次騎。他之前在香港已經想騎,但因為年齡限制,只有看覑哥哥騎。」Miu表示,8歲以下的小朋友可以免費騎小馬,而8 歲以上的則需額外付費騎標準馬兒。



入住農莊,通常都會包辦每天的3餐膳食,以這間Farm Stay為例,每天提供自助早餐,午及晚餐則有3道菜,包括頭盤、主菜及甜品。Miu說﹕「味道不錯,只是沒有選擇,建議素食者在預約時說明。因為銘銘可以吃成人的食物,所以也沒有提出要兒童餐。」

至於住宿方面,農莊安排Miu一家入住了一間充滿鄉村風味的大屋,裏面有7間獨立房間,最多可讓7個家庭入住。Miu說﹕「那兒中間有一個很大的common area,如果約埋相熟的家庭一起入住,便可以在那裏玩。」


按照農莊的網站介紹,Miu一家在其中一天駕車到了距離農莊約10分鐘車程的蒸汽火車博物館(Thirlmere Railway Museum),入場費為成人$10澳元(約65港元)、學生$5澳元,5歲以下免費。Miu說﹕「那裏有真的蒸汽火車,有的還在開動。銘銘很喜歡 Thomas & Friends,所以到那裏表現得十分興奮,並認得出其中一架是卡通裏的『真身』。」

因為Miu一家只想悠閒地度過3天假期,所以沒有特別安排其他周邊活動,她說 ﹕「今次10歲的哥哥康康因為要返學而沒有同行,下次一定要帶埋他玩,參觀附近的景點。」

悉尼加玩﹕Darling Harbour 一家大細齊齊玩
【明報專訊】Darling Harbour是悉尼最大的飲食、購物和娛樂區域之一,那裏適合一家大細的地方包括悉尼野生生物世界(Sydney Wildlife World)和悉尼水族館(Sydney Aquarium)等。Miu的兒子最愛乘坐觀光車遊覽整個海港,以及到公園裏的噴水池暢玩。

【明報專訊】‧ 逢周六或日入住,會有較多節目,其中包括專為小朋友而設的kids club,需額外收費,每人$10澳元
‧ 預先計劃農莊周邊活動,令旅程更加充實
‧ 建議自駕遊,因為沒有公共交通工具前往農莊
‧ 選擇夜機出發,小朋友在飛機上睡覑便不會喊「耳仔痛」,而且下機後便是當地的早上,可以即時展開旅程

Mowbray Park Farmstay Holidays
【明報專訊】收費﹕每晚成人$155澳元(約1010港元)起、5至14 歲$75澳元(約448港元)起、1至4歲$45澳元(約293港元)起,須先預約。費用包括1晚住宿、3餐膳食、日間活動及設施(指定項目除外)
地址﹕Barker's Lodge Road, Picton NSW 2571

【明報專訊】‧Tobruk Sheep Station
收費﹕每人每晚$150澳元(約975港元)起,兩晚以上每人每晚$110 澳元(約715港元)起。費用包括1晚住宿、3餐膳食、日間活動及設施(指定項目除外)
地址﹕5050 Old Northern Road, Maroota, New South Wales 2756
電話﹕+61(2)4566 8223
‧Madison's Mountain Retreat
地址﹕1880 Bells Line Of Road, Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales 2758
電話﹕+61(2)4567 7398



gulf oil spill

Oil-affected wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico
8 June 2010: The toll of dead and injured birds and marine animals is climbing as the Gulf oil spill enters its eighth week

Streaks left by oil that retreated during low tide are visible on a public beach in Dauphin Island, Alabama. BP's containment cap is said to be collecting about 1,000 barrels per day. The government estimates 19,000 barrels a day could be gushing into the Gulf of Mexico

A dead fish floats in a pool of oil at Bay Long off the coast of Louisiana. The US has extended its no-fishing zone to cover 37% of US waters in the gulf

An egret flies above oil off East Grand Terre island along the Louisiana coast. Oil hit the shore of the Louisiana coast on May 6, reaching the Chandeleur Islands, uninhabited barrier islands that are part of the Breton national wildlife refuge

A dragonfly tries to free itself from oil-covered marsh grass in Garden Island bay, Louisiana

A brown pelican is mired in oil near the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast, June 3, 2010. Oil from the Deepwater Horizon rig has has now affected 120 miles (193 km) of coastline in the Gulf of Mexico

A brown pelican coated in heavy oil tries to take flight. The US government only removed the brown pelican from its list of endangered species in November 2009. An estimated 40,000 brown pelicans live in the northern reaches of the Gulf of Mexico

A young heron stranded in oil-covered mangroves in Barataria Bay, Louisiana

Oil-covered brown pelican chicks stand in contrast to clean chicks on Cat Island. The Deepwater disaster took place right in the middle of breeding season, and hatchlings are now sitting in marshland nests waiting to be fed, wildlife experts say

A brown pelican covered in oil on the beach at East Grand Terre island, Louisiana

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill stains marsh grasses in Barataria Bay. The first heavy oil from the spill hit fragile Louisiana marshlands on 19 May. Part of the slick entered a powerful current that has carried it Florida and potentially beyond

Hermit crabs struggle to cross a patch of oil