
與其詛咒黑暗 不如點起燭光

林少陽 揀爆升股5心得
【明報專訊】2002年12月13日,著名專欄作家原復生(真名蔡東豪) 在最後一篇《原氏物語》文章「料從哪裏來?」說,每日必瀏覽華富財經網站,尤其對上巿公司估值有疑難時,他第一時間想知道華富財經研究部主管林少陽的看法。2008年4月,林少陽離開華富,後來決定創業,2009年5月15日正式成立以立投資,現任董事總經理。




林少陽拿王朝酒業(0828)做例子:「王朝酒業公布2009年業績時,技術走勢其實有點奇怪。它 09年除稅前盈利2.12億港元,按年倒退2.3%,還要比一眾券商預期的中位數2.14億元低,表現如此,本來股價應該跌,它竟然升,就憑這個股價走勢訊號,我們就不能不細心看看這隻股份。」

林少陽分析說:「王朝酒業其實行了很多冤枉路,被張裕和長城追過頭,它們的產品好,銷售方面卻只靠原有的網點,增長一直不理想。」細心研究後才發現王朝正大力改革銷售體系,「以前可能一個地區只有一個分銷商,現在會引入競爭,做得不好的會被淘汰,結果它的銷售去年9月起不斷改善。今年2月,引入 Jean-Marie Laborde做非執行董事,這人曾任國際香檳集團Moet et Chandon的主席及行政總裁。王朝之後在銷售上有很多突破,包括會搞試酒會,在尖沙嘴海旁又掛了一個大大的廣告,我問他們是否想打入香港巿場,他們說志在內地客。」3月底公布業績至今,王朝酒股價已升了近兩成(圖1)。


二.成交弱行業 突有巨無霸上巿


長期落後 優質股被炒起



三.新政推出 全行生態改變


醫療改革 醫藥需求大增

去年4月,國家公布《醫藥衛生體制改革近期重點實施方案2009-2011 年》,目標用3 年時間實現「全民醫保」,建立覆蓋城鄉居民的基本醫療衛生保險制度,最重要的,是此次醫改政府預計將投入8500億元用於改革,資金到位,才能加強實質購買力。



四.久歷行業周期 屹立不倒



1975年,荷蘭人Arthur H.del Prado以5000美元,在香港創立ASM亞洲,委任林師龐為經理(當時公司唯一員工)。1988年,ASM太平洋在港上巿,招股價1.61元,集資1.36 億元,巿值5.8億元。自1975年創立至今近35年,ASM太平洋從未蝕過錢,這就是公司難能可貴之處。這段期間,有數不盡的科技公司蝕錢、倒閉,而 ASM仍然屹立不倒,還要成為半導體封裝設備業的行業老大。



4個「未曾」 羅欣出類拔萃



不定目標 但求做到最好
【明報專訊】不少財金界人士的最終目標是發大財,林少陽告訴記者,他既無最終目標,就算有最終目標,也不是發大財。「我不會定一些5年、10年目標啦,我只想be the best of yourself,發揮好每個同事的能力。」他續道:「有些目標其實意義不大,因為其實只要你每一刻做好自己,之後就會得到應有的東西。」



主管如導演 讓下屬展潛能

作為一間投資公司的領導人,林少陽對於「做老闆」有另一番體會,這從他《給孩子的信》中可以見到。他兒子剛出生時,林少陽就感受到他是「一個不信命運任人擺佈的小子」,《信》中說,「Auntie Phoebe在你不足兩歲的時候,一見到你的坐姿以及你說話的神情,已經跟你開玩笑的說:老細,有咩吩咐呢?」林少陽在信中,也預早勸戒他的「老闆型」兒子,若想別人聽從你的意見,「除了不懼強權、以理服人、據理力爭之外,亦可以多用一點軟功。記住:人心肉做。」

感覺幸福 就是懂得感恩




與其詛咒黑暗 不如點起燭光





2010年5月22日 星期六


◆多進食含豐富鈣質的食物,如牛奶、豆類製品及 SOYJOY高鈣香蕉口味大豆果滋棒






2010年5月21日 星期五
中大衛星圖發現 面積逾1700大球場草地



海事處﹕未有報告 會密切監察

中大衛星遙感地面接收站前日接收到衛星圖像,發現香港水域附近約5公里外海面出現一條面積約17平方公里的黑色污帶。中大太空與地球信息科學研究所教授張淵智解釋,從圖片中該片黑色污帶的形狀、漂浮特性分析,有八成機會是大面積油污。污帶位置在南丫島以南約5公里的海面,覆蓋範圍長30多公里,闊 0.5至1公里,已通報本港及內地相關部門。

漁民指現場多油躉 或船隻漏油









未知油屬性 暫難評估影響







中大太空與地球信息科學研究所自2007年起建立衛星監測系統,監察南中國海環境,前日透過衛星探測圖像(圖),發現南丫島以南5公里位於珠海水域近二洲 島一帶,有一條長34.3公里、面積約17平方公里的污帶(紅框內)。太空所指出,該黑色的污帶海面中呈明顯長線絮狀,由於不能反射陽光而呈黑色,認為並 非一般污染,有「八成機會」是油污事故。



synthetic life form

A step to artificial life: Manmade DNA powers cell
Scientists announce that they've produced the first living cell powered by man-made DNA.

This undated handout image provided by the J. Craig Venter Institute shows negatively stained transmission …

Craig Venter creates synthetic life form
Craig Venter and his team have built the genome of a bacterium from scratch and incorporated it into a cell to make what they call the world's first synthetic life form

Genetic entrepreneur Craig Venter explains how his team of researchers created a new life form – and what happens next.

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology"...



2010年5月16日 星期日
今夜料雲稀 可觀「月掩金星」







2010年5月14日 星期五


最先發現這奇怪現象的,是業餘天文愛好者金恩(Bob King),他是從自己在澳洲 寓所的後院,發現這奇怪狀况。他的發現已得到多名天文學家的證實。木星上的多條環帶,大概每15年就會消失或出現一次,科學家目前尚不清楚究竟是什麽原因導致南赤道帶消失。有專家指,環帶消失很可能是受木星上的風暴活動影響。

木星為太陽系 中最大的行星 ,體積為地球的1321倍。其北半球和南半球的大氣層中,均存在著暗色條紋帶。木星主要由氣體和液體組成,從外太空看上去,它的表面主要由紅、啡、黃、白的雲形成,而這些雲則是由不同高度的化學物質所組成。在木星高速自轉影響下,這些雲被時速高達560公里的強風吹成帶狀。若有興趣觀看這奇特的天文景象,今年9月24日是木星與地球最接近的時間,那時候能看清楚木星少了南赤道帶後的樣子。




2010年5月13日 星期四
太陽風暴 襲衛星致失控
飄向另一衛星 恐干擾全美電視信號

這顆失控衛星名為「銀河15號」(Galaxy 15),由美國國際電訊衛星公司(Intelsat)所有。Intelsat表示,該衛星可能受到太陽風暴破壞,自4月5日開始不受地面控制中心控制,偏離赤道上空3.6萬公里的地球同步軌道,並朝另一顆衛星、負責向全美國有線電視發射信號的AMC 11衛星的軌道前進。


「銀河15號」現時仍繼續運作,預計它將於5月23日飄至AMC 11的軌道。AMC 11接收數碼信號,再傳送到美國所有有線系統。擁有AMC 11的SES公司表示,「銀河15號」失控飄向AMC11的軌道,可能令兩顆衛星的重疊,出現干擾。兩間公司均強調,兩顆衛星沒有相撞的風險。SES公司發言人表示,他們在最壞情下可利用AMC 11衛星的推進系統,把它推向100公里外,這樣它就可以避開「銀河15號」的影響。


失控的「銀河15號」下場會是什麼呢?美國太空總署約翰遜太空中心的首席科學家約翰遜(Nicholas Johnson)表示,地球同步軌道上有兩個會干擾地球重力場的點,稱為「重力勢井」(geopotential well),當衛星失控時,便會飄向最近的「重力勢井」,並繞覑它擺動。約翰遜稱,目前已有150至200個「殭屍衛星」在這兩個點附近擺動,「銀河15 號」不會增加太空垃圾的問題,亦不會威脅其他正在運作的衛星。



ash cloud

Volcanic ash cloud: where is it?
The current and changing position of the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud that is affecting flights over Europe



Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens?
Stephen Hawking thinks that making contact with aliens would be a very bad idea indeed. But with new, massive telescopes, we humans are stepping up the search. Have we really thought this through?

Close enough? A scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

In February 2008, Nasa sent the Beatles song, Across the Universe, across the universe. Pointing the telescopes in its Deep Space Network towards the north star, Polaris, astronomers played out their short cosmic DJ set, hoping that it might be heard by intelligent aliens during its 430-year journey to the star.

The hunt for intelligent species outside Earth may be a staple of literature and film – but it is happening in real life, too. Nasa probes are on the lookout for planets outside our solar system, and astronomers are carefully listening for any messages being beamed through space. How awe-inspiring it would be to get confirmation that we are not alone in the universe, to finally speak to an alien race. Wouldn't it?

Well no, according to the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking. "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," Hawking has said in a forthcoming documentary made for the Discovery Channel. He argues that, instead of trying to find and communicate with life in the cosmos, humans would be better off doing everything they can to avoid contact.

Hawking believes that, based on the sheer number of planets that scientists know must exist, we are not the only life-form in the universe. There are, after all, billions and billions of stars in our galaxy alone, with, it is reasonable to expect, an even greater number of planets orbiting them. And it is not unreasonable to expect some of that alien life to be intelligent, and capable of interstellar communication. So, when someone with Hawking's knowledge of the universe advises against contact, it's worth listening, isn't it?

Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the Seti Institute in California, the world's leading organisation searching for telltale alien signals, is not so sure. "This is an unwarranted fear," Shostak says. "If their interest in our planet is for something valuable that our planet has to offer, there's no particular reason to worry about them now. If they're interested in resources, they have ways of finding rocky planets that don't depend on whether we broadcast or not. They could have found us a billion years ago."

If we were really worried about shouting in the stellar jungle, Shostak says, the first thing to do would be to shut down the BBC, NBC, CBS and the radars at all airports. Those broadcasts have been streaming into space for years – the oldest is already more than 80 light years from Earth – so it is already too late to stop passing aliens watching every episode of Big Brother or What Katie and Peter Did Next.

The biggest and most active hunt for life outside Earth started in 1960, when Frank Drake pointed the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia towards the star Tau Ceti. He was looking for anomalous radio signals that could have been sent by intelligent life. Eventually, his idea turned into Seti (standing for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), which used the downtime on radar telescopes around the world to scour the sky for any signals. For 50 years, however, the sky has been silent.

There are lots of practical problems involved in hunting for aliens, of course, chief among them being distance. If our nearest neighbours were life-forms on the (fictional) forest moon of Endor, 1,000 light years away, it would take a millennium for us to receive any message they might send. If the Endorians were watching us, the light reaching them from Earth at this very moment would show them our planet as it was 1,000 years ago; in Europe that means lots of fighting between knights around castles and, in north America, small bands of natives living on the great plains. It is not a timescale that allows for quick banter – and, anyway, they might not be communicating in our direction.

The lack of a signal from ET has not, however, prevented astronomers and biologists (not to mention film-makers) coming up with a whole range of ideas about what aliens might be like. In the early days of Seti, astronomers focused on the search for planets like ours – the idea being that, since the only biology we know about is our own, we might as well assume aliens are going to be something like us. But there's no reason why that should be true. You don't even need to step off the Earth to find life that is radically different from our common experience of it.

"Extremophiles" are species that can survive in places that would quickly kill humans and other "normal" life-forms. These single-celled creatures have been found in boiling hot vents of water thrusting through the ocean floor, or at temperatures well below the freezing point of water. The front ends of some creatures that live near deep-sea vents are 200C warmer than their back ends.

"In our naive and parochial way, we have named these things extremophiles, which shows prejudice – we're normal, everything else is extreme," says Ian Stewart, a mathematician at Warwick University and author of What Does A Martian Look Like? "From the point of view of a creature that lives in boiling water, we're extreme because we live in much milder temperatures. We're at least as extreme compared to them as they are compared to us."

On Earth, life exists in water and on land but, on a giant gas planet, for example, it might exist high in the atmosphere, trapping nutrients from the air swirling around it. And given that aliens may be so out of our experience, guessing motives and intentions if they ever got in touch seems beyond the realm's even of Hawking's mind.

Paul Davies, an astrophysicist at Arizona State University and chair of Seti's post-detection taskforce, argues that alien brains, with their different architecture, would interpret information very differently from ours. What we think of as beautiful or friendly might come across as violent to them, or vice versa. "Lots of people think that because they would be so wise and knowledgeable, they would be peaceful," adds Stewart. "I don't think you can assume that. I don't think you can put human views on to them; that's a dangerous way of thinking. Aliens are alien. If they exist at all, we cannot assume they're like us."

Answers to some of these conundrums will begin to emerge in the next few decades. The researchers at the forefront of the work are astrobiologists, working in an area that has steadily marched in from the fringes of science thanks to the improvements in technology available to explore space.

Scientists discovered the first few extrasolar planets in the early 1990s and, ever since, the numbers have shot up. Today, scientists know of 443 planets orbiting around more than 350 stars. Most are gas giants in the mould of Jupiter, the smallest being Gliese 581, which has a mass of 1.9 Earths. In 2009, Nasa launched the Kepler satellite, a probe specifically designed to look for Earth-like planets.

Future generations of ground-based telescopes, such as the proposed European Extremely Large Telescope (with a 30m main mirror), could be operational by 2030, and would be powerful enough to image the atmospheres of faraway planets, looking for chemical signatures that could indicate life. The Seti Institute also, finally, has a serious piece of kit under construction: the Allen Array (funded by a $11.5m/£7.5m donation from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen) has, at present, 42 radio antennae, each six metres in diameter, but there are plans, if the Seti Institute can raise another $35m, to have up to 300 radio dishes.

In all the years that Seti has been running, it has managed to look carefully at less than 1,000 star systems. With the full Allen Array, they could look at 1,000 star systems in a couple of years.

Shostak is confident that, as telescope technology keeps improving, Seti will find an ET signal within the next two decades. "We will have looked at another million star systems in two dozen years. If this is going to work, it will work soon."

And what happens if and when we detect a signal? "My strenuous advice will be that the coordinates of the transmitting entity should be kept confidential, until the world community has had a chance to evaluate what it's dealing with," Davies told the Guardian recently. "We don't want anybody just turning a radio telescope on the sky and sending their own messages to the source."

But his colleague, Shostak, says we should have no such concerns. "You'll have told the astronomical community – that's thousands of people. Are you going to ask them all not to tell anybody where you're pointing your antenna? There's no way you could do that.

"And anyway, why wouldn't you tell them where [the alien lifeform] is? Are you afraid people will broadcast their own message? They might do that but, remember, The Gong Show has already been broadcast for years." And, for that matter, the Beatles.