
melting glaciers?

Melting glaciers will only have a 'minor' role in future sea level rises, scientists claim
·  Scientists feared water which trickles down through ice could speed up the movement of glaciers as it acts as lubricant between the ice and the ground
·  However, they discovered this process will probably only have a minor role in sea level rises compared to iceberg carving and surface melt
·  Lubrication will add less than five per cent of the total projected contribution to sea level rises from the Greenland ice sheet 12 August 2013

The lubricating effect of melting water on glaciers will have only a ‘minor’ role in future sea level rises, according to new research. Scientists had feared that melt water which trickles down through ice could dramatically speed up the movement of glaciers as it acts as a lubricant between the ice and the ground it moves over. But a team from the University of Bristol found it is likely to have a minor role in sea level rises, compared with other effects such as iceberg production and surface melt.

The lubricating effect of melting water on glaciers will have only a 'minor' role in future sea level rises, according to new research Results from computer modelling - based on fieldwork observations in Greenland - revealed that lubrication will add less than five per cent of the total projected contribution from the Greenland ice sheet. Some simulations found the lubricating effect could even have a negative impact on sea level rise - leading to a lowering of sea level when the other major factors were ignored.


Sarah Shannon, from the University of Bristol, was lead author of the research, which was published in Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America (PNAS). ‘This is an important step forward in our understanding of the factors that control sea level rise from the Greenland ice sheet,’ Dr Shannon said.

Scientists had feared that melt water which trickles down through ice could dramatically speed up the movement of glaciers as it acts as a lubricant between the ice and the ground it moves over

‘Our results show that melt-water-enhanced lubrication will have a minor contribution to future sea level rise. Future mass loss will be governed by changes in surface melt water runoff or iceberg calving.’
 Previous studies of the effects of melt water on the speed of ice movement assumed the water created cavities at the bottom of ice masses.
 These cavities filled with water which lifted the ice slightly and acted as a lubricant, speeding up flow.
The theory led scientists to think that increased melt water would lead directly to more lubrication and a consequent speeding up of the ice flow.
 But the Bristol study took into account observations indicating larger amounts of melt water may form channels beneath the ice that drain water away.
 This would reduce the water's lubricating effect.
 The research concluded that the effect on sea level is small, regardless of whether melt water increases or decreases.Dr Shannon added:
 ‘We found that the melt water would lead to a redistribution of the ice, but not necessarily to an increase in flow.’ 
The findings are part of research undertaken through the European-funded ice2sea programme.


Scientists had feared that melt water which trickles down through ice could dramatically speed up the movement of glaciers by acting as a lubricant between the ice and the ground.
The researchers found that this is not likely to be the case because a lot of the water runs off through channels meaning it does not act as a lubricant.
Therefore, it is likely to have a minor role in sea level rises compared with other effects, such as iceberg production and surface melt.
Lubrication will add less than five per cent of the total projected contribution to sea level rises from the Greenland ice sheet.

Results from computer modelling revealed that lubrication will add less than five per cent of the total projected contribution to sea level rises from the Greenland ice sheet
Earlier research from ice2sea found changes in surface melting of the ice sheet will be the major factor in sea level rise contributions from Greenland.
Professor David Vaughan, ice2sea co-ordinator based at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, said: ‘This is important work but it's no reason for complacency. While this work shows that the process of lubrication of ice flow by surface melting is rather insignificant, our projections are still that Greenland will be a major source of future sea-level rise.
‘As we have reported earlier this year, run-off of surface melt water directly into the ocean and increased iceberg calving are likely to dominate.’


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2013年9月8日 星期日 美射「月球吸塵機」 試激光通訊 【明報】美國太空總署(NASA)上周五(6日)晚發射一枚「月球吸塵機」到太空,這具月球大氣與塵埃環境探測器(LADEE)將探測月球塵埃和其稀薄的大氣層,研究月球表面塵埃所產生的神秘發光現象,並作月球和地球間激光傳輸實驗。 解塵埃由來曙暮輝現象 月球上的塵埃對當年登月的美國太空人帶來很大麻煩,因為這些帶有黏性的粗糙塵埃,曾幾乎拖垮登月所用的設備,例如弄破了保存月球岩石樣本的密封箱。這些漂浮在月球上空的塵埃成分及它們是如何到達那裏,一直未有答案,此次任務將是為那些謎題提供答案的絕佳契機。 LADEE從弗吉尼亞州的瓦勒普斯航天發射場發射,將花30天時間進入環月軌道,之後於離月面20至60公里的上空作監測。LADEE的塵埃傳感器同時會用來找出月球地平線上曙暮輝現象形成的原因,將觀測月塵微粒對光造成的影響,為該神秘輝光的形成找出直接證據。 其他儀器將負責尋找由月岩釋放出的硅、鎂等元素,甚至是彗星沉積在月球上的甲烷、二氧化碳氣體等。 研太空寬頻可行性 LADEE的另一項重要測試,是地月間高速激光傳輸實驗。這是由NASA設計的一種全新激光通訊系統,用作在太空傳送寬頻數據。稍早時間NASA曾將傳世名畫《蒙娜麗莎》的圖像輸送到月球偵察軌道器上,這是人類首次利用激光在星際間作圖像數據傳輸,但速率還很低。據稱LADEE能使傳輸速率猛增,為日後的星際間高帶寬頻埋下伏筆。 100天後撞月球 在100天後當燃料耗盡,太空總署會控制LADEE撞向月球表面,結束任務,下降期間仍會分析月球「外逸層」(exosphere,即極稀薄的大氣層)。 今次項目總耗資2.63億美元(約20.5億港元),它有別於NASA通常的做法──它不是以往派上月球軌道專供探月使用的一次性用品,而是借鑑了商業衛星組件化概念,組件間可互換或按需要定製,例如改換一下配置就可用於檢測太陽,甚至是登陸小行星,有望節省成本。


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