
the island's gone

Disputed isle in Bay of Bengal disappears into sea
NEW DELHI – For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island's gone...



人類演化可能改寫 西伯利亞疑似發現新人種
(法新社)2010年3月24日 星期三 19:05

(法新社巴黎24日電) 考古學家發現,4萬前年左右住在西伯利亞(Siberia)南部的一種人科動物(homonid),可能是人類家譜另一新分支。這項發現恐將重寫人類祖先走出非洲並且征服地球的歷史。

科技應用功績今天再添一筆。科學家在阿爾泰山脈(Alta Mountains)一處洞穴中找到疑似孩童的小指骨骸,並為它進行基因定序。

骨骸是於2008年從丹尼索瓦洞(Denisova Cave)出土,根據地層碳定年法可追溯至3萬至4萬8000年前之間。




共同研究員帕博(Svante Paabo)告訴記者:「實在太神奇了…這是我們雷達螢幕上從來不曾出現的新物種。」

這項研究刊登在科學週刊「自然」(Nature)上,由德國「麥克斯普蘭喀進化人類學研究所」(MaxPlanck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)的克勞瑟(Johannes Krause)領隊研究。該研究團隊先前曾為尼安德塔人大部分的基因組定序。



ian McEwan

Solar by Ian McEwan
Ian McEwan approaches the climate crisis in comic mode

pictures in wildlife

The week in wildlife
From transparent frogs to giant plants with a taste for shrew droppings – the pick of this week's best flora and fauna images from around the world

Scandinavian scientists have discovered that a species of birch tree has developed an extraordinary defence from attack by herbivores. From neighbouring marsh tea plants, a birch will absorb chemical compounds that ward off animals such as feeding moths, then emits them itself. These birches are in a marsh near Minsk, Belarus

A hummingbird looks out over 50 acres of the giant tecolote ranunculus plants. During their six- to eight-week bloom period, the flowers attract thousands of visitors each year to this spot in Carlsbad, California

An astonishing discovery from the island of Borneo. Botanists have found that world's largest carnivorous plant, the montane pitcher, the subject of much curiosity in this field, has an extraordinary relationship with tree shrews. The pitcher lures in the shrews with its tasty nectar – as it does to the ants and spiders which it then eats – but the shrews instead defecate into the pitcher by way of marking territory, thus returning the favour by providing vital nutrients to the plant


black penguin

All-black penguin discovered

(this post originally appeared in TreeHugger)


threatened species

England's threatened species by region
The biggest national study of threats to biodiversity has found nearly 1,000 species are at risk of extinction in England. Use the map to see where the endangered animals and plants are located