
northern lights

Aurora borealis
The breathtaking formations of the aurora borealis or northern lights twisting and shading the sky over the highway at Tombstone Mountain lookout, Yukon, Canada, this week

Moonrise in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska at the Chandler Shelf

Moonrise in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska at the Chandler Shelf

Aurora Borealis, in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska

Aurora borealis, Moonrise in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska

Aurora borealis, near Tombstone Mountain Lookout, Dempster Highway, Yukon, Canada

Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada.


How astronauts went to the Moon and ended up discovering planet Earth
Photos of Earthrise from Apollo 8 changed the way we look at the world

The crew of Apollo 8 took this photo of Earth as they orbited the moon in 1968.

... One of those photos, an Earthrise over the grey and inhospitable lunar horizon, has become one of the most reproduced and recognised pictures of our planet. LIFE magazine selected it as one of 100 photographs that changed the world; more recently it featured in an Oscar-winning film about climate change, An Inconvenient Truth.

"That one picture exploded in the consciousness of humans," said Al Gore, the film's Nobel prize-winning narrator and campaigner. "It led to dramatic changes. Within 18 months of this picture the environment movement had begun." ...

"It's not a very good photo as photos go, but it's a special one. It was the first statement of our planet Earth and it was particularly impressive because it's contrasted against this startling horizon." ...

Landscape photographer Joe Cornish said he had been haunted by the image: "It's a new perspective from space, but it's a totally new perspective when you see it in relation to another body in space."

For Anders, the fragility of life on Earth is shown even more powerfully by three photos of the Earth alone in space: "Earthrise has a reference - there's the moon and the Earth, you don't get a vastness - whereas the other ones, particularly the smaller one, it's Earth and black to the frame ... it goes on and on."

He added: "I think it's important for people to understand they are just going around on one of the smaller grains of sand on one of the spiral arms of this kind of puny galaxy ... it [Earth] is insignificant, but it's the only one we've got."



Where to see the stars in the UK
It's the shortest day of the year on Sunday, but instead of being all down about it, look up. Dixe Wills finds 10 of the best stargazing spots

Twinkle, twinkle ... go stargazing to see the bight side of the longest night of the year.

There are two ways of looking at the Winter Solstice on Sunday 21 December. It's either the shortest day of the year, which is a bit depressing. Or it's the longest night which, if you've discovered the joys of stargazing, is a good excuse for a party.

This Sunday, sky watchers will have even more reason to rejoice
because next year is the International Year of Astronomy. In Britain, we're celebrating with events up and down the country – and Scotland will really be getting into the spirit of things by rolling out its first Dark Sky Discovery Sites – rural areas where big starry skies are guaranteed on clear nights.

Furthermore, as part of their Campaign for Dark Skies, the British Astronomical Association has produced a map of Britain showing the best locales for stargazing based on an absence of light pollution and the likelihood of getting a cloudless night.

With Venus shining brightly and the comet Lulin fizzing around the heavens, there can scarcely have been a better time to look up.

Here are five star events for the diary, and below, five locations that are consistently good for a gaze ...


the week in wildlife

December 12 2008: Mink go on the run in China, and newly arrived disease threatens trees in the UK: the pick of this week's images from the natural world

Harbin, China: A mink takes a stroll in the snow after escaping from a cage at a mink farm. China is the world's largest exporter of fur clothing. More than 90% of its fur garments are shipped to overseas markets, according to industry data

Mumbai, India: Children fish on the shores of the Arabian Sea

Oakland, US: Cormorants sun themselves on a breakwater at Lake Merritt, home to large populations of herons, egrets, geese and duck. It is the oldest wildlife refuge in North America

Singapore: American bullfrogs at the Jurong Frog Farm

Nuremberg, Germany: A Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) dives in his pool at the zoo

Hanover, Germany: Hippopotamus Chimala peers out of the water in her enclosure

Stuttgart, Germany: Wilbaer looks out of his pool at Stuttfgart zoo. Wilbaer, who is the first polar bear born and reared in the zoo, had his first birthday on December 10. Next year, he is supposed to move to a zoo in Sweden

Glastonbury, UK: Sheep in a field as the winter sun rises over mist and frost in fields close to the town

Bhubaneswar, India: Dew drops condense on a spider's web on a cool morning

Gardens and heathlands across the UK are under threat from two new plant diseases. The newly arrived disease, Phytophthora ramorum, claims a magnolia in Trengwainton Garden, Cornwall. Unless action is taken against the two strains of Phytophthora, or sudden oak death, it could be in every garden within 20 years and have a severe impact on native plants and species in woodlands and heathland


first PC

Antikythera: A 2,000-year-old Greek computer comes back to life
Watch a working model of the ancient clockwork device that some call the world's first computer


小五生綠色地圖 全球環保賽奪亞



隊 長黃程鋒帶領戴靖雯、甘佩霖、陳靖鈺、張偉名、楊明慧及張沛筠6名小隊友於年初花3個月時間共同炮製「綠色地圖」。黃程鋒說﹕「我們先分組到元朗和天水圍 實地考察各綠化地點,再從網上蒐集輕鐵地圖,然後在輕鐵沿線畫上濕地公園、元朗公園、天水圍公園等綠化地點的位置,方便市民搜尋。」






玩 具熊「太空人」穿著了由一群初中生設計、附有「米」字國旗的太空衣,在劍橋大學宇航學會的學生幫助下,周一在劍橋郡,靠探測天氣用的氦氣球帶覑升空。它們 兵分兩隊,均綁覑一個盒子,內藏深測儀器以及遙控相機,攝錄升空過程。通過手提電腦觀看它們傳回地面的畫面,可見小熊們一直飛到離地3萬米、大氣密度僅及 地面1%的太空邊陲。氦氣球爆破後,玩具熊身上的降落傘自動張開下,成功軟覑陸於計算範圍,全程為時2小時9分鐘。






New population of Tonkin snub-nosed monkeys found
Discovery of a new breeding colony in the north of Vietnam is good news for the future of the species, which has been pushed to the brink of extinction by habitat loss and the bushmeat and traditional medicine trades



雙星伴月現蒼穹 (21:17)



罕見天象 雙星伴月









Apollo 8 mission to the Moon

The mission that changed everything
Forty years ago the US launched its Apollo 8 mission to the Moon: the first human journey to another world. Its astronauts captured this astonishing photograph which revealed the fragility and isolation of our planet. It has become one of history's most influential images. This is the story of how a picture transformed our view of ourselves

Apollo 8 view of earthrise over the moon.




【明報專訊】英國一名園丁在康沃爾郡特雷巴公園(Trebah Gardens)斬樹時,意外發現山谷深處別有洞天,找到一個失落了近170年的秘密叢林。

39 歲的園丁迪基在一側陡峭的山谷斬削灌木時發現了這一秘密叢林,「我在這裏工作18年,此前卻從未見過。這就像一部與眾不同的兒童小說,你站在那裏,彷彿置 身巴西叢林中。」迪基表示,方圓半英畝的叢林中,覆蓋大量熱帶植物、棕櫚樹等,當中還有許多異國物種,如南半球的朱蕉棕櫚樹和高大的樹蕨類植物、加那利島 的棕櫚樹、東亞和南美的八仙花灌木。此外,秘密叢林中還發現了中國虎耳草科植物常山,這種藍色的開花植物被認為是傳統中醫的50種基本草藥之一。


專 家認為,這令人驚嘆的叢林是由維多利亞時代的福克斯(Charles Fox)在1840年打造,自那以後便神秘消失,不為外界所知。福克斯是著名的航運家族成員,他可能是在周遊列國時蒐集到各地的珍稀植物和種子,並打造了 這個熱帶叢林風格的花園,不過可惜的是,他未能親眼見到花園現在的輝煌。

迪基說:「這極美的場景其實一直存在,只是一直未被發現。多年來,它被更多的本土植物包圍,但卻繼續隱匿地蓬勃發展。 」



green treehouse designs

From tree tents to ewok 'ecospheres', Inhabitat.com rounds up the most weird and wonderful treehouse designs

Tree tents by Dutch sculptor and designer Dré Wapenaar. Originally designed to ease the lives of tree-sitting activists, they also make excellent treetop retreats for campers, kids, and anyone soothed by an evening spent softly swaying among the branches. Each beautifully formed droplet attaches directly to a tree trunk and is roomy enough to sleep a family of four

The new Yellow Treehouse restaurant, designed by New Zealand-based Pacific Environments Architects, is perched high above a redwood forest. Looking like an enormous chrysalis grafted onto a 40m-high redwood tree, the project is constructed of plantation poplar slats, redwood balustrading milled at the site, and makes extensive use of natural lighting throughout

New York’s Madison Square Garden has taken on a Swiss-Family-Robinson feel lately. This is due to an art exhibition featuring work by Tadashi Kawamata called Madison Square Tree Huts, which was unveiled last month. A gathering of small wooden houses up in the trees, these project aims to shake up our notion of public space and how it interacts with ideas of urbanity, rural romanticism and play

Canada-based Tom Chudleigh has created these Free Spirit Eco Spheres. Chudleigh’s simple floating spheres are hung like pendants from the treetops. Each sphere is handcrafted from fibreglass and locally sourced wood and is capable of accepting an electrical line for electricity and heating. A weblike support system ensures that the spheres stay stable, and they can be reached by spiral staircases wound around the tree trunks


polar exploration

The changing face of exploration
Face to Face: Polar Portraits is a new book of pioneering photography, drawing on some of the earliest visual records of polar exploration and modern portraiture

Pen Hadow training for his North Pole solo expedition, Resolute Bay 2003

Photographer Martin Hartley on the frozen ocean, Adventure Ecology Trans Arctic Expedition 2006. "Being a photographer in the polar environment demands that you have to endure the usual levels of discomfort with relative ease if you wish to free up some mental space for creative decisions"

"Emperor and mule", a photograph by Frank Debenham, 1911

Small man, large iceberg, Qikiqtarjuaq, 2004

Pan hopping in Lake Fjord, second British Arctic Air Route expedition 1932-33

British adventure athlete Rosie Stancer in Resolute Bay, 2007

The photographer Herbert Ponting posing for a polar portrait in Antarctica, January 1912. He provided his own caption: "Ponting cooling his head"

Terra Nova framed in the distance from within a cavern in a stranded iceberg, taken by Herbert Ponting in 1911 on Scott's fateful British Antarctic Expedition

Face To Face: Polar Portraits by By Huw Lewis-Jones is published by Scott Polar Research Institute. Further details at polarfacebook.com

is there pure genius?

A gift or hard graft?
We look at outrageously talented and successful people - the Beatles, Mozart, Rockefeller, Bill Gates - and assume there is such a thing as pure genius. Not necessarily, argues Malcolm Gladwell...



小學供應小食 九成「學童不宜」

【明報專訊】面對每5個港童便有1個 是小胖子的警號,衛生署調查更發現,現時學校供應的小食竟有逾九成是少吃為佳或限量選擇的類別,署方首度推出小學生小食「紅綠燈」名單,讓家長、校方更懂 為學童選擇健康小食。依據這分類,椰汁、加糖涼茶、雪糕、威化餅及一切炸品統統列入「紅燈區」,學童全不該吃,連乳酸飲料如益力多和牛油粟米等,最好每星 期只吃兩次。



每周吃六種零食 一學期後增5磅

衛 生署營養師胡燕柵說,5歲至13歲學童每日所須熱量約1800千卡,脂肪和糖分攝取量應分別佔總熱量的三成以下和一成以下,即約60克和45克,鈉攝取量 少於980毫克,故學童每周即使只吃五六種零食,一個學期後也足以增加5磅。除了肥胖外,胡稱攝取過量鈉(鹽分指標)更可導致高血壓,增加心血管負荷,這 亦造成近年心血管疾病年輕化的現象。

「紅燈」應少吃 「黃燈」每周不宜吃超過兩次

雖然衛生署早於2006年推出過小食 營養指引,但校方指仍難分辨哪些是健康小食,胡燕柵舉例說﹕「他們會問﹕純味餅乾脂肪含量高,還是消化餅乾含脂肪高一些?哪一種才健康?」故署方首次以 「紅綠燈」為小食詳細分類,並就其定義提供具體數據參考。如餅乾每食用分量的總脂肪含量超過3克,飽和脂肪逾1克,更含有高糖餡料,便屬「紅燈」食品;在 果汁成分表,若糖分排在首一二位,則代表糖分含量高,亦屬紅燈。

根據有關標準,除了一切油炸食物、牛角包、芝士蛋糕和高糖高鹽零食全列入學 童不該吃的「紅燈」小食外,被視為「健康飲品」的加糖涼茶,如銀菊露、夏枯草、參蜜等也屬「紅燈」食品。雪芳蛋糕、奶鹽梳打餅、動物餅、牛油粟米、魚蓉燒 賣等均屬「黃燈」,每周不應吃超過兩次。胡燕柵強調,不少人誤會健康小食一定較昂貴,但其實提子乾、餅乾、水果等價錢,也不及朱古力、汽水貴,但營養價值 高得多。不過,紅綠燈計劃只屬建議,校方、家長和小食部會否跟從仍是關鍵。





Sydney zoo shows off baby hippo
Monifa, a three-week-old pygmy hippopotamus, makes her debut at Taronga Zoo, Sydney. Pygmy hippos are an endangered species, with only 3,000 remaining in the wild

natural world

The week in wildlife
Flamingos, geese and squirrels; the pick of this week's images from the natural world

Israel: Cranes take flight at the Hula Valley nature reserve

Czech Republic: Fishermen pull a net from lake Svet

Kuhhorst, Germany: Free-range geese are herded together at a farm. Goose is a popular dish in Germany for the Christmas day meal

Havana, Cuba: Flamingos at the flora and fauna stand during the inauguration of the International Business Fair

Cairo, Egypt: Lovebirds in a cage eye look at a stray bird which is looking for food. Lovebirds are popular pets in Egypt but many owners released their captive birds at the beginning of the bird flu epidemic two years ago

Sofia, Bulgaria: A man walks in a park on a warm autumn day




【明報專訊】食物安全問題無日無之,近日連雞蛋也驗出含有三聚氰胺,香港人實在「無啖好食」。當大 家似乎對內地食物失去信心之際,不少人已轉為追捧標榜「無添加」的有機食品,過健康的「綠色生活」。究竟什麼是有機?何謂綠色生活?今期找來香港綠色生活 「代言人」盧冠廷現身說法。


「有機」兩字在盧冠廷口中不停出現,究竟什麼是「有機」?「有機」除了是一套無害的農業生產技術外,背後的意義是尊重自然和生命、注重生態保育、減少浪費資源,強調人類和其他物種及大自然的和諧共存 。


1. 注重保持產品的天然成分

2. 不使用化學肥料或化學農藥

3. 不使用人工合成物料

4. 沒有基因改造




1. 化學物質少


2. 重金屬含量低


3. 非基因改造處理


4. 保持食物原味


5. 天然物料有利生態


6. 維持土壤肥沃


7. 避免爆發傳染病


8. 促進社會可持續發展


9. 保護農業生產的工人


10. 支持本地農業發展





【明報專訊】多年前已開設環保產品店的盧冠廷表示,綠色生活有兩個概念,一是對環境無害,二是對人 體無害。近200年來,人類為了發展經濟而破壞生態環境、濫用石油產品,「一些大企業及政府為了賺錢,只會告訴你石油產品的好處,而石油產品的壞處及帶來 的影響呢……就只會避而不談。你知道嗎,石油產品會令我們的健康受到不同程度的損害,例如會破壞我們的中樞神經系統,而且會令泥土沙漠化,種不出食物。所 以綠色生活最重要的一點,就是減少使用石油產品」。


衣 「我穿有機棉花做的衣服。傳統棉花的種植過程使用了大量農藥,不單影響生態環境,而且會令農夫死亡。加上製造衣服過程加入化學品及膠質,製造時或丟棄後都會破壞生態環境。」

食 「我會盡量選擇有機食品。任何含有防腐劑、色素的食品都有害。有機食品卻不會對人體及環境造成任何損害。」

住 「在家中,我會使用不含揮發性有機化合物(VOC)的油漆,窗簾和脇單都選有機棉花。所有清潔用品都不含有害化學品。」

行 「若有需要駕車,應選擇較省油的汽車款式。」例如環保混能車





一人一小步 忘過度消費

【明報專訊】盧冠廷認為現時年輕人有 一個影響地球生態的壞習慣,就是消費﹕「他們買回來的東西多過自己的需要,這已是一種不環保的壞習慣。」他說,全人類都應該盡努力做一些保護環境的事, 「即使是細微的習慣改變,但集合多人的改變,改變就會很大」。他更警告,人類僅餘可飲用的水正被急速污染。最壞的結果是我們可能不單沒有食物,最後連乾淨 的食水也變成奢侈品。 「不過我們還有一半機會去改變。」他語重心長的說。






生態危機(ecological crisis)

綠色生活(green living)

可持續發展(sustainable development)


1. 根據以上資料,試指出盧冠廷關注哪些問題,並加以說明。

2. 你認為盧冠廷是否過慮?試以例子支持你的答案。

3. 什麼因素影響人對綠色生活的理解?試從價值觀、生活文化、健康資訊或社會期望其中兩方面討論。





【明報專訊】究竟有機產品以什麼標準 釐定?一些產品聲稱「綠色食品」、「天然」、「環保」、「無基因改造」等,都不代表一定是「有機」產品。所以市場極需要一個獨立的第三者機構,檢查生產過 程,證明產品是以有機方法生產。說的就是香港有機資源中心認證有限公司,專門負責處理有機產品認證的申請。

香港有機資源中心教育及出版主任 劉穎姬表示,認證有限公司由成立於2002年12月的「香港有機資源中心」(由香港浸會大學、香港有機農業協會、綠田園基金組成)管理,中心獲蔬菜統營處 農業發展基金撥款,已制訂一套適用於有機農業的有機標準及認證系統,進一步推動本地有機農業發展。

農場或加工場地只要符合有機生產及加工標 準的要求,即可被認證為有機,獲認證農場或加工場生產的產品,即可稱為「認證有機產品」。由05年4月開始,市面上經由本地驗證的有機產品,都會貼上「有 機」標誌。認住這個標誌便不怕買到假的有機產品。劉穎姬說,現時中心發出3種有機標誌,截至08年10月30日,全港共有55個獲認證的農戶及4個加工處 理商。


1. 〈盧冠廷環保救明天〉,《明報》,2008.05.02

2. 綠色生活專門店﹕http://www.greeenearthsociety.com/index.asp

3. club o 綠色資訊﹕http://www.club-o.org/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=6

4. 香港有機資源中心﹕http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~hkorc

5. 綠色和平──基因改造﹕http://www.greenpeace.org/china/ch/campaigns/food-and-agriculture

6. 鍾華楠﹕《城市化危機》,商務印書館,2008年9月第一版