

全球暖化證據 北極湖泊沉積物驟增
(法新社)2009年10月20日 星期二 12:35

(法新社華盛頓19日電) 一項研究今天顯示,可追溯到20萬年前的一個加拿大北極湖泊,1950年以來,在全球暖化中,沉積物史無前例增加,而人類的活動可能是沉積物增加的原因之一。

在加拿大、美國研究人員共同進行的這項研究中,科羅拉多大學(University of Colorado)冰河專家艾克福德(Yarrow Axford)表示,「以我們在沉積物中所見到的生物和化學紀錄而言,過去幾10年來在20萬年的歷史中是很獨特的。」

艾克福德在「國家科學研究院學報」雜誌(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)發表研究,「當北極由於自然進程的原因,應在逐漸冷卻之際,我們在地球最偏遠地區之一卻見到了暖化的明顯證據。」






共同研究人員史莫(John Smol)說:「我們的研究結果顯示,人類足跡,即使在偏遠的北極地區,也會壓倒長期以來存在的自然進程。」


天文學家發現32顆太陽系外行星 總數突破400
(法新社)2009年10月20日 星期二 13:05

(法新社巴黎19日電) 天文學家今天宣布,新發現位於太陽系外的32顆行星,其中部份只有地球的數倍大。


科學家使用「高精度逕向速度行星搜索器」(High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher,HARPS)完成這些發現,它被視為全球最精準的低質量行星搜索器。

HARPS光譜儀裝載在智利的歐洲南方天文台(European Southern Observatory, ESO)3.6米望遠鏡之上。







Arctic to be 'ice-free in summer'

Pen Hadow's team completed an extensive survey of the Arctic ice cap

The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice-free and open to shipping during the summer in as little as ten years' time, a top polar specialist has said.

"It's like man is taking the lid off the northern part of the planet," said Professor Peter Wadhams, from the University of Cambridge.

Professor Wadhams has been studying the Arctic ice since the 1960s.

He was speaking in central London at the launch of the findings of the Catlin Arctic Survey.

The expedition trekked across 435km of ice earlier this year.

Led by explorer Pen Hadow, the team's measurements found that the ice-floes were on average 1.8m thick - typical of so-called "first year" ice formed during the past winter and most vulnerable to melting.

The survey route - to the north of Canada - had been expected to cross areas of older "multi-year" ice which is thicker and more resilient.

When the ridges of ice between floes are included, the expedition found an average thickness of 4.8m.

Professor Wadhams said: "The Catlin Arctic Survey data supports the new consensus view - based on seasonal variation of ice extent and thickness, changes in temperatures, winds and especially ice composition - that the Arctic will be ice-free in summer within about 20 years, and that much of the decrease will be happening within 10 years.

"That means you'll be able to treat the Arctic as if it were essentially an open sea in the summer and have transport across the Arctic Ocean."

According to Professor Wadhams, faster shipping and easier access to oil and gas reserves were among short-term benefits of the melting.

But in the longer-term, losing a permanent feature of the planet risked accelerated warming, changing patterns of circulation in the oceans and atmosphere, and having unknown effects on ecosystems through the acidification of waters.

Pen Hadow and his companions Ann Daniels and Martin Hartley endured ferocious weather - including a wind chill of minus 70 - delayed resupply flights and starvation rations during the expedition from 1 March to 7 May.

When I met them on the ice, as part of a BBC team that joined the pick-up flight, all three had lost weight and were evidently tired from the ordeal.

The expedition had been blighted by equipment failures. A pioneering radar system, designed to measure the ice while being dragged over the ice, broke down within days. Another device to measure the water beneath the ice never functioned at all.

A planet transformed

The technical breakdowns forced the team to rely on hand-drilling through the ice which slowed progress and meant the team's planned destination of the North Pole had to be abandoned.

Pen Hadow admitted that the expedition had not led to "a giant leap forward in understanding" but had been useful as an incremental step in the science of answering the key questions about the Arctic.

His view was backed by Professor Wadhams who said the expedition had provided information about the ice that was not available from satellites and that no submarines had been available to science at that time either.

Pen Hadow said he was shocked by the image of how "in my lifetime we're looking at changing how the planet looks from space."

He also described how polar explorers were having to change their methods from the days when sledges could be pulled by dogs over the ice.

"Dogs can swim but they can't tow a sledge through water which is what's needed now."

"Now we have to wear immersion suits and swim and we need sledges that can float. I can foresee needing sledges that are more like canoes that you also pull over the ice."


男女有別 管教不同?

(明報)2009年10月11日 星期日 05:10




因應性格施教 拒定型免綑綁


10歲的May May和14歲的哥哥Jeremy在理工大學的校園內你追我逐,活躍非常,誰說女孩子必定靜若處子?



女仔過分定型 或變公主病


睡前親吻 與兒子主動談性



認定大子搞對抗 關係惡劣



找出閃亮點 由憤怒變欣賞







8 Foods That Fight Fat

Want to lose weight as you chow down? Your wish is granted! (I promise, this is no fairy tale.) Your supermarket is filled with foods that studies show have lipid-melting powers to help melt fat and keep you slim. Stock up on these fat-fighting super bites, and you'll be trimmer even as you indulge. Read on to discover the eight foods that deserve a permanent spot in your fridge—and in your diet!

Almonds These yummy nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can accelerate your metabolism of fats. In fact, dieters who ate 3 ounces of almonds daily slashed their weight and body-mass index by 18 percent, while those who skipped the nuts reduced both numbers less— just 11 percent—a study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed. Chomp almonds à la carte (limit yourself to 12 per serving to keep calories in check). I get a pack at Starbucks and nibble throughout my day. Or sprinkle them into a recipe such as Black Bean–Almond Pesto Chicken. Go nuts!

Berries I tell my daughter, "These are nature's candy!" Turns out they're also your body's best friends. Strawberries, raspberries and other vitamin C–spiked fruit can supercharge your workout, helping you burn up to 30 percent more fat, research from Arizona State University at Mesa has found. If they're not in season, buy the little gems frozen in a bulk-sized bag so you'll always have them on hand to whip up a Berry Bliss Smoothie or Strawberry-Sunflower Pops, regardless of whether berries are in season.

Cinnamon Adding 1/4 teaspoon to your plate may prevent an insulin spike—an uptick that tells your body to store fat. Sprinkle it on your morning cereal or coffee or on your yogurt in the A.M., or savor it in Apple-Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal.

Mustard It's heaven on a soft pretzel, but mustard may also be a weight loss wonder. Turmeric, the spice that gives mustard its color, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology finds. Use it on sandwiches instead of mayo, or sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower pre-roasting to give it a kick. Try it on tuna salad—I promise it adds zest.

Oranges This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones, deserves to be your main squeeze. Women who ate the most flavones had a much lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes. Eat oranges sliced or swig fresh OJ (including pulp!) to get the best benefit from the fruit.

Soybeans Reason to toss a half cup on your salad? Soybeans are rich in choline, a compound that blocks the absorption of fat and breaks down fatty deposits. Oh, and they're addictively delish! But if breast cancer runs in your family, experts suggest you should talk to your doc before adding soy to your diet.

Sweet potatoes The colorful spuds' high-fiber content means they keep your insulin steadier than their white sisters, which means less fat packed on your hips, research finds. Top a small baked tater with lowfat cottage cheese for a tempting side dish, or whip up Miso Soup With Sweet Potato Dumplings.

Swiss cheese Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown, and Swiss has more calcium than many of its cheesy peers. Choose the reduced-fat variety, such as Sargento. Slip it into your sandwich, put it on top of high-fiber crackers or use it for a healthier grilled cheese. Yum!

For other tricks to eating your way to your healthy, happy weight, load up on these 20 slimming superfoods at Self.com.


The week in wildlife
9 October 2009: From rare pigeons to rutting stags, this week's best images from the natural world

New England's autumn foliage meets with an early snow in Franconia



天文學家發現新土星環 為太陽系最大行星環
(法新社)2009年10月8日 星期四 00:35

(法新社巴黎7日電) 驚訝的天文學家發現土星有一道新的巨大光環,據信是由離土星十分遙遠的一顆小衛星的塵埃和冰屑所構成。



由美國維吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)薇比瑟(Anne Verbiscer)帶領的三位美國天文學家,於今年二月間利用美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)的史必哲太空望遠鏡(Spitzer Telescope),觀測鄰近土衛九的太空區域。


直至今日,太陽系最大的行星環,是環繞木星的「薄紗環」(gossamer rings)以及土星的E環(E ring)。木星是太陽系最大的行星。




三人天文小組成員一之,馬里蘭大學(Universityof Maryland)的韓密爾頓(Douglas Hamilton)指出:「天文學家長久以來一直猜測,土星的外圍衛星土衛九和土衛八表面的深色物質之間,必定有什麼關聯。」



2009年10月8日 星期四


厚240萬公里 可容10億個地球

以美國弗吉尼亞大學天文學家韋爾比斯策(Anne Verbiscer)為首的科學家,今年2月利用施皮策紅外線天文望遠鏡(Spitzer telescope),仔細監測土星其中一個衛星Phoebe(土衛九)的周圍環境,靠土星環發出的微弱紅外線,證實了這個超巨土星環的存在。現有的土星環「E環」離土星僅24萬公里,但新發現的土星環,最近也距離土星達600萬公里,並向外再伸延1200萬公里,其厚度更達到240萬公里,約是土星直徑的20倍,整個環就足以可以容納10億個地球。韋爾比斯策道﹕「這是一個超巨型的環。」







土星光環非扁平 突起處如高峰


土星光環直徑達27萬公里,光環環系分為A至G共7層,距土星最近的是D環,亮度最暗;其次是C環,透明度最高;B環最亮;然後是A環;A環外依次是F、G、 E三環,最外層的E環十分稀薄和寬廣。這7層環系,實際上是由成千上萬個環集聚在一起形成。


土星光環由許多大小和形態各異的冰塊及其他混合物組成,呈螺旋波浪狀、鋸齒狀或輻射狀等。美國太空總署的「卡西尼」(Cassini)號飛船 1997年10月升空,任務是環繞土星飛行,考察土星及其大氣、光環、衛星和磁場。探測回來的數據表明,土星的光環已存在45億年,幾乎同太陽和行星形成的時間一致,相信光環物質曾是土星的衛星,最終分解成碎片形成。剛於上月,卡西尼號觀測的新證據顯示,土星光環原來存在一些「高峰」,高出土星環平面近4公里,「高得像阿爾卑斯山」,但在一些點上,星環的厚度只有10米,打破外界一直以為土星環是扁平狀的認識。



Ardi, Eggs, and Arenas: Buzz Week in Review
Some might say that everything on Earth has already been discovered. To them we say, "You're just not looking in the right places." This past week, the science community was rocked by a couple of epic finds. No idea what we're talking about? No problem, because we're gonna recap what you missed with the Buzz Week in Review...

人類疑非黑猩猩進化 400萬年前祖先懂直立
2009年10月3日 星期六


對於這位雌性「地猿始祖」(Ardipithecus ramidus),科學家將她暱稱為「阿爾迪」(Ardi)。科學家於1992年在埃塞俄比亞阿瓦什山谷發現阿爾迪的零碎化石,經過17年以科學技術重新拼湊繪圖,恢復了一些主要骨骼的原貌,如有牙齒的頭骨、手臂、手、骨盆、腿和腳,得出一副完整的女性原始人骨骼。

能兩足走路 不能跑




領導研究的加州大學伯克萊分校專家懷特(Tim White)說﹕「這不是普通的化石,它既不是大猩猩,也非人類,它是我們曾經的樣子……達爾文在這個問題上非常聰明,他說我們應小心研究,真正能夠了解最後共同祖先長得像什麼樣子,唯一方法就是找到它。雖然我們仍未找到,但我們已較以前最接近找到,是在440萬年前。」
