


【明報專訊】科學界一致認同的現代三 大科學問題,是「宇宙的起源」、「生命的起源」及「元素的起源」。據一般科學家的想法,「宇宙的起源」是一個天文學和物理學的問題,「生命的起源」是一個 生物學的問題,而「元素的起源」是一個化學的問題。但是,從近年科學研究發展方向看來,三者都和天文學有重大關係。






那 麼地球上的化學元素從何而來?透過天文光譜觀察,發現恆星跟地球和太陽有同樣的化學元素,從而推測出恆星也是由同樣的元素組成,只是多少有別。普通的恆星 中,約有74%是氫,24%是氦,1%是氧,0.5%是碳。因為有些恆星可以老至百億年,所以元素的起源可推至百億年前。

化學元素是否在盤 古初開、宇宙起源的一剎那已存在?在1940年代,物理學家確是這樣想的。到了50年代,核子物理高度發展時,我們才知道事實並非如此。現在我們有強力的 證據證明,差不多所有化學元素都是恆星製造的,尤其是年老的恆星。它們經過星內的核子反應一步步製造出來,又經過恆星風及恆星死亡時的爆炸散於銀河系每一 角落。



這 是科學三大難題中唯一已被解決的。1957年,英國科學家霍伊爾(Fred Hoyle)等4人發表一篇論文,題為「元素在恆星之合成(Synthesis of the Elements in Stars)」。這篇文章被認為是科學史上最具影響力的著作之一。同年,加拿大物理學家金馬倫(A.G.W. Cameron)提出同樣理論,但他的文章「恆星演化、核子天文物理及核起源(Stellar Evolution, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nucleogenesis)」卻在較少人知道的加拿大刊物出版,因此他未有得到同樣的知名度。





nature loss

Nature loss 'to hurt global poor'

Damage to forests, rivers, marine life and other aspects of nature could halve living standards for the world's poor, a major report has concluded.

Coral reefs can provide fish and a sea defence, or be excavated for building


Far-flung JCB

Phoenix ready to deploy its robotic arm

After a day's delay, the lander is ready to activate its robotic arm and begin the most important part of its mission - collecting samples of soil and ice, and looking for the organic building blocks of life

china quake

China earthquake: Lake drained to ease flooding fears

Engineers dig emergency sluice to empty Tangjiashan lake - the largest body of water formed after landslides dammed rivers


mars surface

Mars landing
The latest pictures from the NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander

NASA's Mars Phoenix Lander seen parachuting down to Mars

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander suspended from its parachute as it lands on Mars

The surface of Mars

The plains of the northern polar region with a portion of the Phoenix lander

A view of Martian northern polar region

Martian northern polar region

The Phoenix site near Mars' north pole

An approximate-color image taken shortly after landing Sunday by the spacecraft's Surface Stereo Imager, inferred from two color filters, a violet, 450-nanometer filter and an infrared, 750-nanometer filter



【明報專訊】美國「鳳凰」號火星探測 器結束9個多月的太空旅程後,於本港時間昨晨7時38分成功降落火星,成為首枚降落在火星北極區域的探測器。「鳳凰」將在數日內開始探測火星北極的地質, 助科學家分析火星是否曾適合生物生存。而在芸芸參與「鳳凰」號任務的科學家中,原來有一名港產專家,他便是美國太空總署(NASA)噴氣推進實驗室火星探 索項目經理Fuk K. Li。

Fuk. K. Li ﹕歡迎來到火星表面

據NASA資料,現年55歲的Fuk K. Li在香港出生,在麻省理工學院取得物理學學士與博士學位,畢業後一直從事探索太空科技的工作。1997年負責太空總署的「新千禧計劃」,2005年3月 起擔任火星探索項目經理至今,目前還擔任NASA火星探索理事會主席。在收到「鳳凰」號成功覑陸的信號時,Fuk K. Li與同僚興奮得相互擊掌和擁抱。他說﹕「歡迎來到火星表面。」

成功軟覑陸 稍偏離目的地

「鳳凰」號降落過程大致順利,它在 進入火星大氣層後,靠反推進器和降落傘幫助,在7分鐘內由時速2萬公里驟降至8公里,緩緩「軟覑陸」。唯一瑕疵是較預期慢了7秒張開降落傘,導致稍微偏離 預定目的地。數據和照片顯示,「鳳凰」號的太陽能板和氣象儀順利打開,機械臂的保護物也順利解開。「鳳凰」號項目主管戈爾德施泰因(Barry Goldstein)興奮地高呼:「我們成功了!」戈爾德施泰因說﹕「在我的想像中,沒有比這次登陸更完美的了,它完全按原先計劃進行。」

「鳳 凰」號在覑陸兩小時後,開始傳回第一批火星北極平原「歷史性圖片」,當中包括「鳳凰」號的自拍照、降落點的情、附近的地形和從地平線放眼遠望的情景。照 片顯示「鳳凰」號站在火星一個表面滿佈卵石的淺谷裏,透過這些照片,人類首次近距離觀察這片類似地球北極圈永久凍土的土地的樣貌。


「鳳 凰」號覑陸後將展開為期3個月的火星地面定點探測。與目前在火星上執行任務的「勇氣」號和「機遇」號火星車不同,靠3條「腿」支撐的「鳳凰」號只能定點探 測,不能移動。其鋤頭似的機械臂將由美國時間周二起,鑽探到1米深地下採集泥土和冰塊樣本,再將樣本送入探測器上的儀器,分析土質,幫助科學家了解那兒是 否曾經存在適宜生命的環境。例如,探測器上小焗爐會把樣本加熱至約982℃,透過蒸發的氣體檢測礦物資料,從而探索有否適合生活的條件。



「鳳凰」號成功覑陸後,港產探索項目經理Fuk K. Li(圖中)與同僚擁抱慶祝。Fuk K. Li在太空總署工作近30年,研製過多種遙感雷達。(法新社)




mars landing

Mars landing: Touchdown, then mission begins search for life

An image from the Nasa Phoenix Mars Lander shows the polygonal pattern on the surface of Mars.

Nasa's Phoenix Mars lander successfully touched down on the planet's surface early today on a mission that could yield evidence of primitive life amid the permafrost.

Jubilant mission controllers described landing the £212m probe as like scoring a hole in one at golf if you "tee off in Washington and the hole is in Sydney – and moving".

Less than two hours after landing, the Nasa spacecraft beamed back four dozen black and white images, including one of its foot sitting on Martian soil amid tiny rocks.

Others included the horizon of the arctic plain and ground with polygon patterns similar to those found in Earth's permafrost regions.

"Absolutely beautiful," Dan McCleese, a chief scientist at Nasa's jet propulsion laboratory, said. "It looks like a good place to start digging."

The final minutes of the 10-month, 420m-mile journey were nailbiting as the lander plummeted through the thin Martian atmosphere...


油糧價狂茘 美民「隱世」自保

【明報專訊】幾年前,布勞爾特 (Kathleen Breault)像其他美國人一樣,每周駕車數十小時、在快餐店大吃大喝、逛街購物、每晚追看電視劇。但自從在一名作家口中得知全球石油供應緊張後,她決 心改變生活方式﹕減少駕車時間、多吃本地食物、減肥、扔掉信用卡及電視機,還開始用木生火。「我十分害怕!震驚、恐慌、易受傷害、脆弱、孤單,總之感覺極差!」她說。

與50 歲的布勞爾特一樣,許多經歷過70年代石油危機的美國人,都對當前的糧食及能源危機感到極為無助,有的甚至家囤田儲糧儲油以求自給自足。這群被稱為「能源 末日生還者」(energy survivalists)的人還擔心出現能源糧食動亂,紛紛購買槍支以防範未來可能跑來搶掠的暴民。美聯社指出,隨覑油價狂茘,許多資訊渠道都顯示, 「能源生還者」數目正急速增加。



居 於愛達荷州西部一條鄉村的瑪莉(Lynn-Marie)便是其一。她預言美國最快在2012年前出現暴動,為應付未來的「艱難時刻」,瑪莉與丈夫在家周圍 植種40棵樹、建起溫室、建立灌溉系統及養豬養雞,並計劃在2012年前以太陽能發電及自行生產肉類、牛奶及蔬菜。此外,他們還丟掉電視,改看教人如何過 簡單生活的舊書。


種糧養畜 自給自足

儘 管「能源生還者」的生活方式與環保主義者很似,但他們大多只是對石油及糧食危機感到過分恐懼,選擇以另類方式「保命」,非為拯救地球。他們的生活極低調, 很少透露其「準備工作」,主要是擔心傳媒報道他們的行蹤,令他們及家人的安全受到「潛在威脅」。在他們眼中,美國未來將充斥覑飢餓及絕望的難民,暴徒將四 出搶掠。

「我決定裝備好自己以對待暴徒。」57歲的前招聘主管拉斯科夫斯基(Peter Laskowski)說。他現居於佛蒙特州蒙彼利埃(Montpelier)森林區,為應付「未來暴動」,他充當該區警官及緊急醫護人員。「記得在 1973年石油危機時,我要排隊買汽油。若現在石油供應突中斷,將很快釀成災難。」





All you need to know as the Phoenix lander hits the red planet

After nearly a year spent hurtling through space, Nasa's Phoenix lander is about to touch down in the arctic plains of the Red Planet. If all goes according to plan, it will soon be unfurling its solar panels and starting to look for traces of life


martian landing - countdown to nasa's 'seven minutes of terror'

Nasa's Phoenix probe, which is designed to look for water and evidence of life in the Martian arctic, is scheduled to touch down at 12.53am BST on Monday May 26. It was built using duplicate parts left over from two previous space missions, both of which were destroyed as they approached the Red Planet in 1999.

Touchdown will mark the end of a 10-month, 122m mile journey

Family photo: A comparison of the sizes of future and past Mars rovers. Sojourner touched down on the Red Planet in 1997, and the twin Mars Exploration Rovers landed in 2004. Mars Science Lab is scheduled to launch in 2009.

Phoenix bristles with scientific instruments. The dark "wings" are solar panels.

The rover was assembled at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver, Colorado. Here, the craft's fan-like solar arrays have been spread open for testing.

Phoenix will collect samples of Martian soil using a scoop mounted on the end of its robotic arm.

A motorised rasp will be lowered through a small opening in the bottom of the scoop to gather shavings of frozen material.

The craft's wet chemistry laboratory will analyse the soil samples, for example looking for dissolved salts and measuring pH. The chemistry lab is just one tool in the Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyzer, which incorporates microscopes to examine mineral grains and a probe to test the soil's thermal and electrical properties.

One of the four teacup-sized "beakers" in the wet chemistry lab. Each will be used only once, mixing water with a soil sample and then keeping it warm enough to remain liquid during the analysis. On the inner surface of the beaker are 26 sensors. Some will give information about the acidity or alkalinity of the soil sample. Others will gauge concentrations of ions.

The Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer will study volatile substances in the soil samples. A "differential scanning calorimeter" (left) will measure the melting and boiling points of ingredients in the sample. The gases will then pass into a mass spectrometer (right), which will identify the chemicals.

The craft was built in a clean room under Nasa's strict "planetary protection" policy to avoid carrying organic materials to Mars. Engineers here work on the probe's "science deck". The robotic arm is visible in its stowed position at the top of the picture. The coloured and grey dots will be used to calibrate the spacecraft's Surface Stereoscopic Imager camera once the spacecraft has landed.

To test whether the probe's radar system would survive the landing intact, it was dropped inside a "drop weight" suspended from a helicopter at the Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.

Phoenix finally began its journey to Mars on August 4 2007 aboard a Delta II rocket launched from Cape Canaveral.

Send-off: The 10-month, 122m mile journey begins.

The planned landing site (D) is at a latitude equivalent to northern Alaska on Earth. Total vertical relief is shown on this colour-coded global projection, from about 28 kilometers (17 miles) at the top of the highest volcano (red) to the northern lowlands (blue).

Phoenix will enter the Martian atmosphere at 13,000mph, deploy a parachute and fire a series of rocket thrusters to bring its velocity down to 5mph just seconds before touchdown. "We will fire 26 pyrotechnic events in the last 14 minutes of the journey," says Barry Goldstein, project manager at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. "Each of those has to work perfectly for the mission to come off as we planned."

The final moments before landing – described by Nasa as 'seven minutes of terror' – will be the most dramatic and nervously anticipated part of the mission. As Nasa scientist Ed Weiler put it: 'This is no trip to grandma's for the weekend.'

In the ensuing months Phoenix will use its robotic arm to dig down to what is expected to be an icy layer. It will analyse samples for evidence that the site once was – or may still be – a favorable habitat for microbial life. The lander's weather station will conduct the first study of Martian arctic weather from ground level. The vertical green line represents the laser beam that Phoenix will use to probe dust and clouds in the atmosphere.

Just 150 days after landing, Phoenix will begin to shut down operations as winter sets in. There is no sunlight in the far-northern latitudes on Mars during winter, so the solar panels will no longer charge the lander's batteries. Over the following months, it will be slowly buried beneath drifts of carbon dioxide frost.


the youngest known supernova in the Milky Way galaxy

Milky Way spawns a new supernova

Astronomers have discovered the youngest known supernova in the Milky Way galaxy. Created by the death of a star, a new supernova appears in a spiral galaxy only about once a century

Supernova 2008D, as seen in ultraviolet and x-ray images taken by Nasa's Swift satellite. Astronomers have for the first time witnessed one of the most fiery events in the universe

A comparison of x-ray and very large array radio-telescope (VLA) images of a supernova. Astronomers used a radio observatory in New Mexico and Nasa's Chandra x-ray observatory in orbit to date the star's collapse at sometime around 1868

A composite image of the expanding remains of a supernova - shown in orange is an x-ray image from 2007, and in blue is a radio image from 1985. Combined, they show the expansion of the star as it falls apart

Artist's rendering of a view looking down on the Milky Way galaxy and the locations of historic supernovas. The position of the sun is shown, with the approximate positions and names in orange of past supernovas. All are thought to have occurred in the last 2,000 years. The estimated position of the new supernova is shown in black

The spiral galaxy NGC 2770 has produced numerous supernovas recently. Three of them are indicated here. The galaxy is located 90m light years from the Milky Way

A comparison between the sizes and strangely elliptical shapes of the orbits of the pulsar J1903+0327 and its apparently sun-like companion star, with the orbit of Earth around the sun. The rapidly spinning pulsar, a dense object created when a star exploded as a supernova, is 21,000 light years from Earth. The sizes of the sun and the possible companion star have been exaggerated by a factor of about 10, and the Earth by a factor of about 1,000

cable car

The green way to cross the Thames: by cable car

· Better idea than planned £500m bridge, experts say
· East London system could ferry 5,000 people an hour

Cologne's cable car first crossed the Rhine in 1957.

An Alpine-style cable car to ferry people across the Thames in east London should replace plans for a £500m six-lane road bridge, say leading transport analysts commissioned by Transport for London. The bridge has been strongly opposed by local people and environment groups.

The new study compares six alternative types of river crossing to the road bridge, which is presently locked in a second public inquiry. They include a rail-only bridge, a river ferry crossing, a walk and cycle-only bridge, and a car bridge which is adapted to take more public transport.

All would be better than the road-only bridge, say the study authors, professors of transport at the Stockholm Environment Institute, University College London, and the University of Wuppertal in Germany. But a cable car across the Thames would be the most sustainable. It would be significantly cheaper than a bridge, and would greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage cycling and walking, and could be erected in time for the Olympics in 2012, they say.

Cable cars are increasingly used for mass transit in world cities and across rivers because they need little space, have virtually no waiting time, can run at over 20mph, and have very low emissions. They are already used in New York, Istanbul, Vancouver, Madrid, Caracas and Hamburg, and other cities are planning systems. A cable car has crossed the Rhine in Cologne since 1957.

The report suggests that a cable car system could take up to 5,000 people an hour in each direction over the river between Beckton and Thamesmead, with cable cars arriving every 22 seconds. It would only take only two minutes to cross the river and could link in with other public transport systems and City airport.

The bridge option, first considered more than 20 years ago, was strongly backed by the previous mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, and the government, who have argued that it would help regenerate some of the poorest areas of London and be integral to redevelopment plans for the Thames Gateway. But it was strongly opposed by local people and national environment groups who say it would lead to more congestion and pollution, with very little regeneration benefits. A public inquiry inspector recommended that planning application for the bridge be refused but the government overruled him, saying the inquiry should be reopened.

The cable car option is likely to be taken seriously. Boris Johnson, mayor of London since the start of May and now chair of Transport for London, said before his election that he was not satisfied with the £500m bridge option as it stood.

Environmental groups welcomed the cable car option yesterday. "Transport for London must abandon its plans for a new road bridge and develop the Thames Gateway in a way that will help tackle climate change and improve the quality of life for local people," said Jennifer Bates, Friends of the Earth's London Campaign coordinator.

cocaine trade is damaging not only to human health, but to fragile ecosystems and communities in Colombia

A new collection of photographs is showing how the cocaine trade is damaging not only to human health, but to fragile ecosystems and communities in Colombia. The exhibition, which is running as part of National Tackling Drugs Week in the UK, was created by Shared Responsibility, a Colombian initiative to highlight what it calls the “ecocide” of the country’s drugs trade. It is on display in Trafalgar Square on May 21

Colombia is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, with ecosystems ranging from tropical rainforest through to grassland and alpine terrain

Around 35% of Colombia is covered by the Amazon jungle, which produces 15% of the world's oxygen

Shared Responsibility says that 2.2m hectares of the Colombian Amazon forest has been cleared to grow coca in 20 years. It is estimated that it will take between 100 and 600 years for just 1 hectare to recover

However it is not just plants and animals that are harmed by the impact of the cocaine trade; it is claimed that many indigenous people are forced by illegally armed groups to grow coca in their ancestral territories in order to produce cocaine

Land mines are often laid in the plantations to defend the crops, threatening civilians and those whose job is to close down coca plantations


Mars probe prepares for tricky touchdown

Nasa readies its Phoenix spacecraft for a risky descent to Mars

Nasa engineers are working around the clock to ready their Phoenix spacecraft for touchdown at the Martian north pole early next week. If the probe lands safely, it will dig beneath the frigid surface for samples of soil and ice that may contain signs of primitive life.

But before the $420m mission can begin in earnest, officials face what they call "seven minutes of terror". In these final moments before touchdown, Phoenix will slam into the Martian atmosphere at 13,000mph, using a parachute and later thrusters to slow its descent onto a dusty plain called Vastitas Borealis. Touchdown will mark the end of a 10-month, 122m mile journey for the spacecraft.

Landing on Mars is fraught with difficulties. More than half of the attempts to visit the planet since 1960 have ended in failure, most recently for British scientists when their Beagle 2 probe vanished without trace during a landing attempt in December 2003.

If all goes well, Phoenix is set to touch down on Mars at 12.53am BST on the morning of Monday May 26. After unfurling its solar panels, the probe will start digging down to half a metre beneath the surface.

The probe will examine the soil and ice samples through a high-resolution camera and then analyse the chemicals inside them. Certain compounds could suggest that life, if very primitive, once existed on Mars.

Another of Phoenix's jobs is to take daily weather readings on the northern plains of the planet, using temperature and pressure sensors.

The mission is expected to last three months, after which time the Martian winter looms and there will be too little sunlight to power the probe.

I'll post more updates here as touchdown day approaches, and early on Monday, when we hope to hear of Phoenix's safe arrival.



【明報專訊】四川大地震顯示,內地有 必要建立起「天、地、空」一體化的國家災害監測、預警和評估體系。民政部國家減災中心日前透露,為加強對自然災害的監測和預防,今年8月首次發射3顆減災 衛星,最終會形成一個8顆星的星座,由國家減災委使用,屆時相關部門對災害信息和技術支持的反應速度會更及時。


范 一大指出,人們總以為在災難發生的過程中,天上的衛星能夠迅速地拍到災難現場,其實是誤解。事實上,災難發生時,很多衛星可能不在現場上空,或沒有提前安 排拍攝活動,雲雨天氣也可能令光學衛星無法拍攝。總之,在災難發生後的一段時間內,還無法做到實時獲取災區現場的所有資料。因此,快速反應和協調國內和國 際間的數據資源就成為必要。

據悉,民政部國家減災中心衛星遙感部已經接收到了19顆衛星關於災區的317份影像資料,其中國內衛星6顆,其 餘衛星來自日本、意大利、印尼、比利時及美國等。現在獲得的衛星數據已覆蓋了大部分受災區域。專家將根據衛星圖片估計出災區的眦房率,從而估算大概需要的 物資支援,根據重災區人口分佈圖通知正在汶川的救援組。



港珠澳橋港段近璂頭 環團憂損蝴蝶棲息地

【明報專訊】港珠澳大橋香 港段走線以大嶼山為落腳點,港府正為工程做環境影響評估。綠色力量引述港府最新消息顯示,港府傾向大橋進入本港範圍後,在沙螺灣落腳,然後穿越機場水道, 連接機場島南岸,再接駁東面以人工島方式興建的香港口岸。該組織指出,大橋其中一段走線,與本港其中一個錄得最多蝴蝶種類的熱點「璂頭」極為接近(見 圖),兩者相距不到1公里,擔心大橋會破壞蝴蝶棲息地。





不過,該組織翻查過去為興建迪士尼及昂坪纜車而做的環評,發現分別錄得璂頭一帶只有69種及46種蝴蝶,前者的環評報告更顯示,生態評估只粗略做了兩天,後者做了11天,而非環評條例建議的 1年,目的是蒐集得來的數據可以反映生態在不同季節的變化。鄭睦奇認為,該兩份報告評估的蝴蝶部分馬虎,因此希望透過建立數據庫,稍後將結果提交政府參 考,以免港珠澳大橋的環評報告輕易過關。





